
Trading & Exchanges Trading and price discussion. Exchange operators can announce trading support for Peercoin here. Minting (Proof of Stake) Information and discussion about proof-of-stake (PoS) minting and other economic aspects of Peercoin. Mining (Proof of Work) Information and discussion about proof-of-work (PoW) mining, where you can join and how to set up pools.
Topic Replies Views Activity
0 1024 January 15, 2017
33 1301 March 31, 2024
2 232 October 13, 2023
9 524 May 9, 2023
1 330 March 27, 2023
5 342 February 4, 2023
7 426 January 16, 2023
2 350 November 19, 2022
6 545 November 14, 2022
2 403 June 28, 2022
6 2170 December 11, 2021
5 1621 December 3, 2021
9 1088 November 29, 2021
0 455 September 27, 2021
0 423 September 25, 2021
1 706 July 9, 2021
365 11529 May 30, 2021
19 1411 May 2, 2021
1 429 April 28, 2021
1 378 February 11, 2021
9 768 July 27, 2020
0 1448 October 4, 2019
1 918 May 18, 2020
0 453 May 18, 2020
2 644 October 11, 2019
2 554 September 26, 2019
6 1036 August 14, 2019
1 1707 July 31, 2019
6 838 July 11, 2019
135 8209 May 2, 2016