Translate website,, into your native language

Working on building out a single landing page for Peercoin. This is what we would wanted translated for all languages.

Awesome, what I was hoping for, is actually already been worked on. Thanks Super3

In addition to the white paper, just translated the whole main page to spanish. Waiting for the pull request to be reviewed and accepted. Any way of translating the rest of the site yet?

Also, the translation links are at the bottom of the site. Wouldn’t be better located on the top right with country flags or something similar for better visibility?

We should give translations more importance, since If people around the world can’t see why Peercoin is so unique, it just becomes another clone coin without interest.

I translated the main page to french and made a pull request.

Will the strings for the other parts of the site (like the menus for example) be available in the same file as the strings of the main page ?
It would be more convenient to make full translations.

Translated to Catalan too :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing your ideas …I will look into it .