Peercoin on Raspberry Pi

Done after 18 hours!
My PPC address is PAb6EUjgDjQbUJpe8umtVkFnUDK9iEMtJ6

Hi mar345kg, thanks for setting up a node! Only problem is that it looks like you only have 8 connections, more is needed to show that you are running a full node. Tea42 has some instructions on how to do port forwarding which should give you more than 8 connections: If you have any questions feel free to post them here.

I’m running a full node headless so I had to hookup an old TV through HDMI and start ppcoin-qt just to take the photo. I’m also solo mining on my node with an Antminer U2. 8)


Congratulations to 407mining, your tip has been sent!

[quote=“NoveltyLab, post:49, topic:2353”][quote=“river333, post:38, topic:2353”]Thanks to Novelty Lab for posting about this on their blog:

You’re welcome! How is going so far? We will continue to share it on Twitter too :)[/quote]

It has been a huge success so far! We have already reached 150 PPC given out in tips and 15 new Raspberry Pi nodes on the network, and we’re just getting started ;D

river333, I’ve now setup a full node. Proof:
I’m donating my 10 PPC back to you.

edit: only 9 connections, but it still serves as proof right?

[quote=“pillow, post:86, topic:2353”]river333, I’ve now setup a full node. Proof:
I’m donating my 10 PPC back to you.

edit: only 9 connections, but it still serves as proof right?[/quote]

Congratulations and thanks for donating the tip back to the project :slight_smile:

Full node now.

My PPC address is PAb6EUjgDjQbUJpe8umtVkFnUDK9iEMtJ6

Thank you, your tip has been sent. Congratulations!

Yeay! Got my first mint. Just one word. WOW, that was an extremely good feeling. At these prices, it paid for the electricity bill several million times over (so to speak, not actually ;)). Can’t describe how different it feels compared to mining PoW. Well actually I can. A whole lot cooler 8)

PPC address : PD3va46sgXrMXKwbNXGHMwSyPJTorPK98R

Congratulations btcfans, 10 PPC sent!

I would prefer if everybody posted a photo of their Pi too, but I suppose the serial number proves ownership. I just like looking at them :smiley:

Am I doing something wrong here? I can’t get over 8 connections ???


[quote=“anixosees, post:93, topic:2353”]Am I doing something wrong here? I can’t get over 8 connections ???


have you forwarded port 9901?

anixosees have you executed part 2 (full node conversion)? Otherwise the firewall is still closed up. Or you can type: sudo ufw allow 9901 to open up the right port.

OK, I ran the conversion script and rebooted, but now, after the initial loading info, it drops me to just a blinking cursor (not a prompt) and just sits there. I can type things, but it doesn’t do anything. Any thoughts? Sorry I’m a linux noob.

hmm weird, I ran into some strange issues because of (probably) faulty SD card, but who knows…

Argh, ok, I guess I’ll just re-image and start over…

One thing i just noticed was during the boot up, there is a [warn] that says root filesystem has insufficient space, mounting tmpfs on /tmp. Could that be the problem?

sounds like it could be an issue yes , no idea how to fix it tho, how big is your SD?

the installer works on a 4 GB card or bigger. Anything smaller probably won’t work, because the install script creates a swapfile of 1 GB. There’s no room for that and raspbian on a 2 GB card. And yep faulty SD cards usually don’t totally fail, but start acting strange and don’t boot properly. Re imaging is probably the best thing to do, and be sure to notice errors on boot.