Official Primecoin Logo Feedback & Design Thread

I really like the logo! Probably my favorite variation I have seen thus far!

Please remember that we should include Sunny King in this. Message him if necessary to get him to post some feedback. Primecoin is his creation, so we should try to please him if possible.

Also, I personally like the larger symbol better than the new stylized one. The original symbol looks bolder. The one below doesn’t necessarily have to use the same colors or style, but I think it’s important to use the same symbol and not change it…

here is my design for PrimeCoin.

would try to make it looks more Arrogant and Unique.

donation for encourage more effort welcome~ :smiley:

XPM : AamzxmqHRTEB2Hz5VFdvY4j19XiqmPYMpT

I am personally a huge fan of the real coin look, kinda like this BTC logo:

Bump. Primecoin really needs an official logo. I’m working on something new for Primecoin and also want to make branding images for social media. Reading this thread my guess is that there is no final logo yet. So… what’s the next step?

Bump. Website got updated by super3. New logo would look great. Maybe a matching style would be best IMO.

[quote=“elbill, post:35, topic:419”]


So any updates on the logo and such? This one is really the best out of the bunch but no one is using it. Why??

I personally think this one strays too far from the original design. The original symbol also looks stronger/bolder where this one looks weaker, if that makes sense. It’s probably due to the thickness of the symbol.

+1 Whould be interesting to see it in gold

[quote=“elbill, post:35, topic:419”]

i like that :thumbs-up:

I personally think this one strays too far from the original design. The original symbol also looks stronger/bolder where this one looks weaker, if that makes sense. It’s probably due to the thickness of the symbol.[/quote]
For someone struggling to fully understand Primecoin, I think it strays too far from the original design and getting to close to something which resembles to a tulip. But that might just be me with my Dutch background :slight_smile:
I think tulip bulbs have a bit of negative sound in the crypto world after some comments by some bankers disliking cryptos in general. But ignore me if I’m sounding alien.

Tulip mania!

The tulip logo looks good, but I agree that it strays too far from its roots. :stuck_out_tongue: Would like to see some variations.

Regarding the current Primecoin logo I think it’s fine but could use some refinement somehow.