Mining PPC with cgminer

Anyone using pool? I can’t seem to input a valid URL to get it working. Currently mining BTC but would like to try PPC … any advice for a newbie?

I am currently mining at with 6x USB miners.

cgminer-nogpu.exe --icarus-options 115200:1:1 --icarus-timing 3.0=100 -S //./COM3 -S //./COM4 -S //./COM5 -S //./COM6 -S //./COM7 -S //./COM8 -o stratum+tcp:// -u username.1 -p password

Without all the USB miner crap in the way it would be like this

cgminer-nogpu.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u username.1 -p password


cgminer.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u username.1 -p password

I was using pool a few weeks ago but now back on the D7 PPC pool.

thanks a bunch … I will give that a try