Example Proposal for Marketing Director:50,000 peercoin needed (6 month term)

[quote=“Ben, post:40, topic:3178”]I disagree. I’ve watched for 18 months now. If the major holders cared, they would have mobilized by now.

They seem to be waiting for those of us with less than ~10k to carry it for them.[/quote]

Is there a way that we can message them and assertain that they readin the message?

if only there was a way to send messages to specific addresses via peerunity.
i mean a message that can be shown inside the wallet like a popup add or something. it could be a general message for all the wallets, is this possible?

[quote=“Ben, post:40, topic:3178”]I disagree. I’ve watched for 18 months now. If the major holders cared, they would have mobilized by now.

They seem to be waiting for those of us with less than ~10k to carry it for them.[/quote]


@ppcman, if you think the exchanges are sitting on such a wealth, why wouldn’t you reach out to the exchanges directly?
I’m with Ben on this, just throw up some good ideas and some whales might bite.

My experience with both the video and the Marketing Fund is that the ideas were there first and then some ‘whales’ came to back it. No guarantees this works, but just holding up your hand before showcasing might not work well. I suggest to get your hands dirty and show off what you can do for this community. I’m sure you can do that within a month or so and then ask for money to scale up further with the ideas shown. When no ‘whales’ bite there are three possibilities:

  1. they are still not hungry enough and the timing might be off or
  2. what you serve them is just not attractive enough
  3. they haven’t noticed

Hope that helps to take the next steps 8)

[quote=“Cybnate, post:44, topic:3178”]@ppcman, if you think the exchanges are sitting on such a wealth, why wouldn’t you reach out to the exchanges directly?
I’m with Ben on this, just throw up some good ideas and some whales might bite.

My experience with both the video and the Marketing Fund is that the ideas were there first and then some ‘whales’ came to back it. No guarantees this works, but just holding up your hand before showcasing might not work well. I suggest to get your hands dirty and show off what you can do for this community. I’m sure you can do that within a month or so and then ask for money to scale up further with the ideas shown. When no ‘whales’ bite there are three possibilities:

  1. they are still not hungry enough and the timing might be off or
  2. what you serve them is just not attractive enough
  3. they haven’t noticed

Hope that helps to take the next steps 8)[/quote]


A podcast that I listen to is interested in having an interview with someone who knows about Peercoin. They have plenty of listeners. Anyone?

We need to ask the marketing director to either do the interview, or find someone suitable who could do it.

Oh wait, we don’t have a marketing director yet. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

(sheepish smile)

Very simply.

As you all know, we have a “core” community team. We can each name about 10 people who have been with Peercoin the longest. Some are great as investors, others are great coders, and other are great supporters.

When I proposed the marketing director concept, I wasn’t looking for PPC even though that’s what the subject line said.

What I was looking for, was “core” community members to embrace the idea and support it.

I didn’t get that… Naturally I could use my marketing ability and get past it. But instead, I’ve decided that the community “core” members aren’t ready for it yet, to get behind it as it was laid out. Time will fix that…

I can hear the community ringing my (or any other marketing director candidate’s) doorbell in a few months from now, going “ok, ok… Let’s bump this idea again and re-consider this more enthusiastically. Peercoin is now down to 25 cents (example), and we need to do something. Remember Dec 2014 when ppcman brought this up? Let’s see if he’s still interested”

For now, I go to sleep at night knowing this:

a) peercoin is a solid crypto coin

b) The core community members involved (especially those heavily invested in my absence in development, nubits/nushares,etc) haven’t gotten behind me 100% yet – the reasons are unimportant, the fact remains true.

c) I have little following in my potential because I haven’t proven my worth yet.

d) The price of Peercoin continues to plateau and drop and be undervalued.

I’m ok with this at the moment, because while I’m not paid by the community to do anything different, AND I can’t afford to “buy in”, the price drop suits me at the moment so I can accumulate enough real life funds to buy more peercoin while it’s in this state.

So I’ll continue to sit in the shadows while I’m unfunded until I can buy a better position on my own without help to change things.

The concept of Peercoin is, and will continue to be, a long term solution to an evident problem that people are just starting to realize. While the rest of the crypto community figures it out slowly, we’ll be here ready and waiting.

Understand that the marketing director (if so elected, and financially supported) won’t be able to change things overnight. However, what that person will be able to do, is be officially sanctioned by the community to be an official person to run ideas by, coordinate events, and organize real campaigns on an official basis.

Peercoin needs this. The longer we wait, the more evident it will be. I’m quite happy to wait until I can find the finances to buy in, or until the community starts calling my name and throwing PPC at me to get started.

Now that last sentence I wrote makes me feel horrible. It makes me sound like a profiteer. None of that is true. It actually hurts me to talk like that. From the heart, ever since learning about Bitcoin for the first time, I’ve always found a special appreciation for Peercoin, it’s community, and it’s identity irregardless of how much ppc I own.

The only reason I’m in this semi-dormant state, is because without the community & financial support, if I have to do it alone, on my own dime, well it only makes sense if I own a heck of a lot of Peercoin first before I jump two feet into it.

With all of this being said…

I am happily looking forward to other candidates for the position of marketing director to run beside me. I don’t want to be the only option, so I never hear “well no one else stepped up to the plate, so we went with ppcman”.


I own 0 nubits
I own 0 Nushares
I own less than 250 PPC 350 PPC

Basically my current holding in PPC is worth $150 $200, and that’s all I can afford, and that’s all I have.

I’m not in a position to work overtime on marketing Peercoin at the moment. Unless I get paid to do it, or unless I can buy in when finances allow it.

This is just the way it is… :frowning:

P.S. I do have an angel supporter. Some one who sends me 10 PPC every now and then. I fully appreciate that, and I’m lucky for it. My wallet address is public, so you can see it for yourself. Some people believe in my honest intentions and to those that do, thank you. :slight_smile:

This guy gets it: CLICK!

*Peercoin and Primecoin mentioned at 3:05.

[quote=“DigiX, post:49, topic:3178”]This guy gets it: CLICK!

*Peercoin and Primecoin mentioned at 3:05.[/quote]

Yes, I’ve always like Jason Schaumleffel’s videos (youtube: GamersGoneTech)

There was a while he stopped making videos for a couple months. Glad to see he’s back.

So, what is the current status of this project?

Peercoin needs a push.

But, cryptocurrency as a whole needs a bigger push.

[quote=“DigiX, post:51, topic:3178”]So, what is the current status of this project?

Peercoin needs a push.

But, cryptocurrency as a whole needs a bigger push.[/quote]

It’s up in the air in the moment. When I proposed it, I had hoped multiple candidates would campaign for the job, and the community could pick one and start fundraising towards it.

What happened was a bit of unexpected. Some of the hard core, long term members got really apprehensive about the idea and I’ve determined that the community isn’t ready for it yet.

So I’ve taken my proposal off the table. We’re not ready for it yet apparently. I think we need to be a little more desperate first.

In addition, we have some strong willed thinkers that believe it’s the wrong way to go, and is unnecessary. Putting the marketing decision making into one person’s hands seems too much.

So we stay with the old way. We propose things in the forum, run some peer4commit fundraisers, and see what sticks for the time being.

We’re going to continue concentrating on the various projects we have on the go right now, plus the 0.5 release and revisit this situation later.

I know the price has taken a dive, but it’s not specific to just Peercoin. Since we’re so heavily matched against BTC, if Bitcoin goes up 100% we’d follow that trend automatically too.

Me personally, I don’t mind. The blockchain isn’t going anywhere, and the need for Peercoin is coming. I’d go into reasons why, but I’ll save that for when the marketing campaign of the future launches and I have better holdings.

Right now, just ride out the rough seas and you’ll be rewarded later. :slight_smile:

It saddens me to see such a technology go to waste.

While same concept design of it are reaping the benefits, PayCoin (Currently 4th in terms of market cap) and NxT (Currently 7th in terms of market cap), due to their marketing.

Any new technology has to be marketed, if not it is just going to fail and become one of the forgotten.

In the App Store, you can make a decent app with good marketing successful.

But, you can’t make a great app with little marketing a success story.

Don’t play second fiddle to our forks.

It is cringe worthy when an article talks about our forks instead of us, completely bypassing us.

Our technology is better than Bitcoin, but we can’t even compete with our forks!

@ppcman, instead of trying to push your proposal through, why not apply for this role: http://www.peercointalk.org/index.php?topic=3726.0. I’m happy to step aside if needed as I agree with @river333 that these roles needs to be rotated ideally.

Alternatively I can work with you within the marketing fund charter and propose marketing plans and activities. Happy to write them out for you if that’s the issue. You only need some support from the community instead of playing a kind of dictator and pushing through ideas which might not be appreciated by members of the community as per your proposal. I thought you would know that even Sunnyking is believed not to be keen on a foundation-like structure and with your proposal that is kind of what you propose. So I’m not surprised that the community is not overly enthusiastic.

Anyway, I’ve mentioned them in a thread earlier but maybe it is good to repeat them here to show what can be done within the existing Marketing Fund charter:

  • Marketing portal with all peercoin services and goodies nicely presented (website can link to it or it can just be a page on website)
  • Making a template for a press release
  • Providing quality articles for newsletter or website
  • Creating video snippets, 10-20 seconds of video promoting aspects of Peercoin for Youtube channel
  • Create banners, pictures etc. we can use for Peercoin advertising
  • Presenting Peercoin on conferences or meetings
  • Most viewed Peercoin promoting post on Bitcointalk contest
  • The hosting of interesting projects improving or promoting use of Peercoins
  • Small seed or support to start Peercoin promoting business selling Peercoin related products
  • Best Peercoin in the news, -photo, -article, -on the radio or even -on tv!
  • Lobbying and convincing payment providers, high profile merchants or exchanges to add Peercoins
  • Charts comparing Peercoin with other coins
  • Supporting the marketing of major developments

Just a few ideas, be creative. Funding for hours spent, materials or cost of professionals, where reasonable is not a problem. As long as it is not excessive and appeals to the majority of the community.
See the link to the charter in my signature.

So no to a foundation?

What’s the community take on a foundation?

I was thinking of proposing a foundation-like structure this week, but I’ve been busy lately so I haven’t finish the presentation.

I would like to know the community’s take on this before I continue working on the presentation.

For quite a while now, there have been numerous discussions about improving the marketing of Peercoin. Which is great, it definitely is an issue that needs to be worked on. But it is starting to seem stuck at the theoretical stage. Sometimes, we simply have to take things into our own hands and put ideas into practice, or else there won’t be any real progress. I think it’s time we start projects of promoting Peercoin, those of us who believe in it and are in crypto for the long run without waiting for someone’s “Go” signal.

If anyone has any marketing ideas, just go for it! Don’t wait for other people’s approval. If you need funding, provide a decent proposal and samples that prove you are capable of making it work. Do your best to complete the work and don’t give up half way.

For my part I think I’ve been quite active here for several months now, tweeting about Peercoin whenever I can, posting threads on Reddit, defending PoS whenever I have the chance, helping with translations (without asking for permission), investigating Peercoin’s projects, submitting proposals, etc. I’m helping the community as much as I can, keeping things fresh and trying to motivate the troops. And nobody asked me to do it, nobody is paying me for it, I just carry on because I believe in Peercoin and its community.

Also marketing people shouldn’t remain anonymous in my opinion, especially for projects that involve funding… And I am personally not in favor of bribing people to the word about Peercoin. Marketing people’s good work will increase Peercoin’s price, investors should be the first ones involved into marketing to raise the value of their funds (take Tim Draper as an example of someone who is doing everything he can to recover his loss).

At the end this is also just a matter of willingness to get your hands dirty.

[quote=“Thireus, post:56, topic:3178”]For quite a while now, there have been numerous discussions about improving the marketing of Peercoin. Which is great, it definitely is an issue that needs to be worked on. But it is starting to seem stuck at the theoretical stage. Sometimes, we simply have to take things into our own hands and put ideas into practice, or else there won’t be any real progress. I think it’s time we start projects of promoting Peercoin, those of us who believe in it and are in crypto for the long run without waiting for someone’s “Go” signal.

If anyone has any marketing ideas, just go for it! Don’t wait for other people’s approval. If you need funding, provide a decent proposal and samples that prove you are capable of making it work. Do your best to complete the work and don’t give up half way.

For my part I think I’ve been quite active here for several months now, tweeting about Peercoin whenever I can, posting threads on Reddit, defending PoS whenever I have the chance, helping with translations (without asking for permission), investigating Peercoin’s projects, submitting proposals, etc. I’m helping the community as much as I can, keeping things fresh and trying to motivate the troops. And nobody asked me to do it, nobody is paying me for it, I just carry on because I believe in Peercoin and its community.

Also marketing people shouldn’t remain anonymous in my opinion, especially for projects that involve funding… And I am personally not in favor of bribing people to the word about Peercoin. Marketing people’s good work will increase Peercoin’s price, investors should be the first ones involved into marketing to raise the value of their funds (take Tim Draper as an example of someone who is doing everything he can to recover his loss).

At the end this is also just a matter of willingness to get your hands dirty.[/quote]

I do have a plan of action, marketing included — from market segmentation, targeting, to positioning along with distribution channels.

But, my proposal would also include a foundation-like structure that I would call “Peercoin Initiative.”

A nonprofit organization whose objective is to increase the awareness of people regarding Peercoin.

At the same time, to maintain and improve the current technology.

If we have a foundation, things will be more effective and efficient.

As of right now, our community’s organization is a mess.

A good example is our community funds where multiple people control different funds.

That is why I would like to know if the community is willing to have a foundation-like structure to further move Peercoin in the cryptocurrency universe.

As of right now, my project presentation is not done.

But before I waste my time finishing it, I would like to know the community’s point of view.

My proposal is halfway done.

I would like to know the community’s opinion regarding a foundation soon.

Thank you in advance.

Wow! Looks promising! (Remove Junior member, just state member :wink: )

The majority of the Peercoin community is against the idea of a foundation. It introduces too much politics and corruption, as seen in the Bitcoin foundation. Sunny King is against it as well. This is the reason why Peer4commit was created. It is maintained by Peercoin core developer Sigmike and allows community members to create their own projects and raise funding. We’ve used it successfully on a number of projects already. All you need to do is submit a proposal and if people like your ideas, they’ll donate.

The only problem is that it doesn’t have NuBits support yet, only Peercoin support. This makes it so any donated funds may lose their value over time, which has been a problem for us in the past. What would be nice is if this functionality was built into the website…