Tried to upgrade to v6

I have tried to upgrade to v6. It has synced with the blockchain but my funds are not displayed. How to I transfer my funds to the new wallet? I have located wallet.dat in appdata but I’m not sure where to place it as ‘Peercoin’ or ‘.peercoin’ isn’t displayed in my directory.

are you still using the old datadir ‘PPCoin’ ?
rescanning could help, but i think blockchain redownload was required for the upgrade, so i think you may have to do that

Am i right in assuming you are on mac?

If you are follow these steps:

  1. Backup your wallet.dat file (If you lose this file you will lose access to your coins)

  2. Locate peerunity/peercoin core executable and delete

  3. Go to the finder bar at the top your screen while on desktop

  4. Select “GO” option on menu

  5. Hold option key and a hidden directory called “Library” should appear

  6. Select library option and then select application support

  7. Locate ppcoin directory and delete it

  8. Empty trash

  9. Download peercoin core wallet from peercoin website

  10. Startup new peercoin wallet and shutdown as soon as it starts

  11. Go to peercoin folder created in application support folder in library directory

  12. Delete the newly created wallet.dat and replace with your own wallet.dat you backed up earlier

  13. Restart peercoin core

  14. Allow blockchain to sync up and you should have access to your coins as well as updated to the latest version of peercoin (currently V0.6.1)

No I am using an IBM compatible PC with Windows 10.

On Windows, your Peercoin data directory is at:

The steps i laid out in my earlier post should still work on windows.

Look for your peercoin folder under C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\Peercoin
instead of in application support. Everything else should be the same after you download the new peercoin wallet.

What should I do once I have found this directory?

if you want to try to redownload the blockchain , only keep wallet.dat, and delete everything else, and start the client
make sure you have a backup of wallet.dat

After you have found this directory on your windows os you should:

  1. Backup your wallet.dat file (If you lose this file you will lose access to your coins)

  2. Delete Peercoin data directory

  3. Locate peerunity/peercoin core executable and delete

  4. Empty trash

  5. Download peercoin core wallet from peercoin website

  6. Startup new peercoin wallet and shutdown as soon as it starts

  7. Go to new peercoin folder created in C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\Peercoin

  8. Delete the newly created wallet.dat and replace with your own wallet.dat you backed up earlier

  9. Run peercoin wallet

  10. Allow blockchain to sync up and you should have access to your coins as well as updated to the latest version of peercoin (currently V0.6.1)

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