
“所以我的理解是,我们希望人们使用任何他们想要的Peercoin blockchain,只要他们愿意支付任何费用是。
(英文:So my understanding is that we want people using the Peercoin blockchain for whatever they want to, as long as they are comfortable paying whatever the fee happens to be.

We’re first going to make the block size dynamic so it can adjust upward and downward when necessary. That will allow for on-chain scaling. Then later on we’re going to make this malleability fix which will allow for off-chain scaling as well.

If the network becomes highly used and the value of Peercoin rises as a result, the transaction fee will also rise along with it and end up costing people more for on-chain transactions. If the fee rises too high to justify on-chain transactions, they would be forced into using off-chain networks instead in order to save money transacting with their PPC or PeerAssets.

People who prefer the security of on-chain transactions and are still comfortable with paying the high fee would continue using the blockchain directly.

So on-chain scaling will be allowed, but as the price rises and the fixed fee costs more, it will eventually automatically force people onto off-chain networks instead, since they are designed for microtransactions and would be more affordable for the average user.

On-chain transactions would end up being used more for moving large amounts of PPC. Once again, I am speaking about once the network is in high demand and the price per PPC is over $100 or $1,000. The fixed fee would act as a way to push transactions off onto off-chain networks where they will be cheaper for the user.)

因此,固定交易费将作为一个方法来自动调节和平衡网络的使用。如果费用低,很多人都会直接使用blockchain,块的大小可以自动调整向上和向下。如果费用上升,随着价格,直接使用blockchain将变得更加昂贵和交易将被推到了链网络使用户可以省钱。这是一个自我调节系统。(英文:So the fixed transaction fee will act as a way to automatically regulate and balance the usage of the network. If the fee is low, lots of people will use the blockchain directly and the block size will be able to automatically adjust upward and downward. If the fee rises along with the price, using the blockchain directly will become more expensive and transactions will start to be pushed to off-chain networks so the users can save money. It is a self-regulating system.)

Peercoin费只会成为不合理的高价格不合理时,泵浦。如果价格上涨,伴随着Peercoin blockchain价值创造的(0.01ppc / KB)的费用将不会成为“太高”。
一些人认为在1000美元/ PPC,费用太高。我认为,PPC不应该达到1000美元,如果10美元的费用是交易价格的权利。这是一个特性,而不是一个bug!
Segwitcoin(BTC)采用固定块大小来调节费。IMO Peercoin应该做的相反,使用固定费用来平衡块的大小。(英文:With adaptive block sizes, stakeholders will be able to vote on block sizes by keeping their blocks below or above threshold sizes.

Fees should not be changed, that would lead to major disagreements in the community and possibly chain splits.

Peercoin fees will only become unreasonably high when prices are pumped unreasonably. If the price rises along with value created by the peercoin blockchain, the (0.01PPC/kb) fee will never become “too high”.
Some people argue that at $1000/PPC, fees will become too high. I’d argue that PPC should never reach $1000 unless the $10 fee is considered the right price for a transaction. This is a feature, not a bug!

A fixed block limit will not work on peercoin because there is no fee market. The only way to create such a fee market is by creating minting pools that mint in transactions that pay to the pool, I don’t think we want that.

Segwitcoin (BTC) uses the fixed block size to regulate the fee. IMO peercoin should do the opposite, use the fixed fee to balance the block size.)

交易的费用与块的大小有什么关系?我认为交易费用是每个人都必须为自己负责的事务包括在生成的块。为什么一个更大的阻碍导致较高的交易费用?(英文:What is the relationship of the transaction fee to the block size? I thought the transaction fee is that charge everyone must pay to have their transaction included in the generated block. Why would a larger block cause a higher transaction fee?)

一小块意味着更大的费用,因为每个人都想挤在一块太小的他们。费市场是由块空间人为的稀缺性使。我们不做,我们有一个公平而Peercoin,恒费保持块高允许任何人在链,愿意支付的费用标准一点。(英文: A small block means a larger fee because everyone wants to crowd into a block that’s too small for them all. The fee market is made by artificial scarcity of the block space. We don’t do that in peercoin, instead we have a fair and constant fee and keep the blocksize high to allow anyone a spot in the chain that is willing to pay the standard fee.)


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