Temporary fix for those who are having issues connecting to our Peercoin network

Some people are reporting issues to connect to our Peercoin network. This issue is related to the node discovery service (IRC/DNS) which is not working at the moment. As a temporary fix and until we find the root cause of this issue you can add the following Peercoin nodes manually to your wallet client (ppcoind, Peerunity or Peercoin-QT):

[ul][li] ([member=32109]Thireus[/member]'s node)[/li]
[li] ([member=31330]MatthewLM[/member]'s node)[/li][/ul]

On Windows:

[ol][li]Create a shortcut for your Peercoin Wallet (i.e. Peerunity) on your desktop[/li]
[li]Right click, and open the “Shortcut” tab[/li]
[li]Add -addnode= at the end of the “Target” field[/li]
[li]The “Target” field should look like: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Peerunity\Peerunity” -addnode=[/li]
[li]Apply the changes[/li][/ol]

Now open Peerunity by doube clicking on the shortcut you’ve just modified.

Also, don’t forget to authorize Full network access for your Wallet in your Windows firewall rules (Peerunity connects to nodes on port 9901, so you should allow outgoing connections for that port):

On Linux:

[ul][li]Launch ppcoind/Peerunity/Peercoin-QT with the option -addnode= directly from your command line[/li]
[li]You can also add nodes via the Peercoin’s configuration file, explained by [member=1]FuzzyBear[/member] here: https://www.peercointalk.org/index.php?topic=3.0[/li]
[li]Or you can also add the node via: ppcoind addnode add[/li][/ul]

On MacOS:

[ul][li]Launch ppcoind/Peerunity/Peercoin-QT with the option -addnode= directly from your Terminal[/li]
[li]Peerunity and Peercoin-QT binaries are normally located in ‘/Applications/(Peerunity/Peercoin-Qt).app/Contents/MacOS/’[/li]
[li]Example: “/Applications/Peerunity.app/Contents/MacOS/Peerunity -addnode=”[/li][/ul]

Old post containing other nodes: https://www.reddit.com/r/peercoin/comments/1ritix/wallet_not_connected_to_ppcoin_network/cdogfj1

[size=18pt]Please if you want to help we need a bigger list of Full Active Nodes.[/size] Also, if anyone can provide EN screenshots that will be more helpful… :stuck_out_tongue:

The issue has been reported on Github: https://github.com/ppcoin/ppcoin/issues/85 and https://github.com/Peerunity/Peerunity/issues/159

[quote=“Sunny King”]Weekly Update #134


[ul][li]There was a outage with two of our main seed nodes on the network earlier this week, some users might have experienced difficulty initializing connection to the peercoin/primecoin network. Existing nodes on the network are not affected. The seed nodes in question are now up and operational.[/li][/ul][/quote]

I will issue a hotfix for Peerbox if anyone can confirm this happening.

My raspberriPi peerbox (running since 3/10/15) seems to be fine with the network. However, I just compiled a Peerunity Wallet on my Linux machine, and it showed no network connection. I had to use the command line to start peerunity with “-addnode=”, as suggested by Thireus. Now it seems connected and gathering block data.

Does the “ppcoin.conf” work for PeerUnity (linux)? I couldn’t find the file and was not sure I need to make it or edit it.

I think it does, but you have to create it :).

Thanks Thireus!!
Great work

This issue has been reported on Github, so hopefully we’ll come up with a temporary fix soon: https://github.com/ppcoin/ppcoin/issues/85

But that means modifying ppcoin, Peerunity and Peercoin-QT.


I don’t think it is necessary to modify the the clients. With the right DNS configuration of the current seed host names in the clients we could almost instantly make use to the bitcoin-seeder software: https://github.com/sipa/bitcoin-seeder. I’ve already done that earlier and it works just great. I also commented on github issue #85 and I would be willing to help here. Please get in touch with me.


Two main seed nodes have been down recently. They should be up and running as of today.

[quote=“Sunny King”]Weekly Update #134


[ul][li]There was a outage with two of our main seed nodes on the network earlier this week, some users might have experienced difficulty initializing connection to the peercoin/primecoin network. Existing nodes on the network are not affected. The seed nodes in question are now up and operational.[/li][/ul][/quote]

Thanks SK!