Submit your Questions for Sunny King's Upcoming Interviews (Post v0.4 Release)

My questions:

When do you think PPC difficulty will reach the 25 reward like BTC?

And when do you think the PPC reward will be playing around the 0?

In my view, this is the time when PPC will be much more valuable: Cut the reward, keep the demand steady rising, moon.

In the previous interview you stated: “@transaction fees: On the other hand there is no promise that minimum transaction fee wouldn’t be adjusted. If processing capacity of personal computers continues to advance at the current pace, both max block size and minimum transaction fee could very well be adjusted at some point.”

How difficult is it to implement a different fee structure or any of these other changes in the existing network? What difficulties might there be?

Removed, I see it was already asked!

Has Peercoin suffered any unintentional blockchain fork having more than 50 PoS blocks?

Hi Sunny,

Do you think Wall Street is interested in Peercoin and Wall Street will invest big $$$ in Peercoin?

Many thanks and have a great weekend!

Does somebody know when this interview is scheduled approximately?

Or have I missed it?

[quote=“d5000, post:66, topic:1761”]Does somebody know when this interview is scheduled approximately?

Or have I missed it?[/quote]

Ben was supposed to be putting the questions together. I’m not sure what’s going on. I haven’t heard from him. Maybe he can let us know if he’s almost ready. I know he’s had a lot on his plate lately.

Thanks Sentinelrv. I am really interested in Sunny’s answers.