PPC is a scam accusation - Good example of how Swarm teams would work

"[–]nimm 3 points 16 hours ago

ppc is a scam (trivial to double-spend if the centralized checkpoints system is removed, see http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1ct66l/what_did_satoshi_say_on_economics_and_money_links/c9jsmtu)

xpm secondary-use-for-PoW makes it relatively easier to double-spend compared to Bitcoin/Litecoin, and whether this kind of primes PoW is supposed to be useful for anything isn’t so clear."

Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/litecoin/comments/1o3fdz/we_are_the_litecoin_dev_team_ama/ccorrb7

The swarm leader (outlined in the marketing plan) would do the following:

  1. Create a google doc with everyone in the swarm along with a box for them to checkoff as completed
  2. An email would go out to all swarm members with the above issue
  3. Anyone that didn’t respond in 24 hours would get 1 follow-up email

Swarm info:

This is also an opportunity for someone to scour the net for a few minutes a day and look for attacks against the coin.

[quote=“JustaBitofTime, post:1, topic:423”]"[–]nimm 3 points 16 hours ago
ppc is a scam (trivial to double-spend if the centralized checkpoints system is removed, see http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1ct66l/what_did_satoshi_say_on_economics_and_money_links/c9jsmtu)[/quote]

Good example of needing someone to ELI5. A lot of this information is old/outdated…not sure how much, if any of this is still relevant or what is just FUD & misinformation. Basically, Peercoin becomes more and more secure as time goes on because coins become more and more distributed, whereas purely proof-of-work coins will become less and less secure as time goes on.