Peercoin uninstallation bug

I have a file mint.bat in the daemon subdirectory in the v0.3.1 installed directory. It was deleted, with the daemon directory itself, when I uninstall 0.3.1. I think the usual bahavior is that user files should be kept during uninstallation. Maybe this can be called a bug in the uninstallation process.

mint.bat was a custom file you created in the daemon directory? hmm would have to look at the code for uninstall but this sounds like easiest solution for now is to advise people to move any custom files out of their ppcoin directory. I want to get the installer build working so i’ll address this issue and see if i can reproduce when I work on this.


[quote=“FuzzyBear, post:2, topic:2217”]mint.bat was a custom file you created in the daemon directory? hmm would have to look at the code for uninstall but this sounds like easiest solution for now is to advise people to move any custom files out of their ppcoin directory. I want to get the installer build working so i’ll address this issue and see if i can reproduce when I work on this.


Yes the mint.bat was a custom file. I thought the behaviour might be from bitcoin installtion/uninstallation package. At least on windows in most packages uninstallation programs don’t remove custom files by default.