Peercoin now supported on Trezor!

@backpacker69 has successfully completed the support of Peercoin to the Trezor Model T wallet. Enjoy all!

You can get a Trezor here:


Great news :slight_smile:

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Can someone share a tutorial or just a brief explanation of how to actually send/receive Peercoin from a Trezor T? e.g. which software are you using, how to generate a peercoin wallet address from your Trezor, etc?

I have search around on the web, poked around in the Trezor Sutie app, to no avail :cry:

Hoping someone can help my newbie self, thanks!

I reckon it would be similar to what is in here:

I personally use Ledger so I don’t have direct experience, but usually tutorials like this are pretty universal

Trezor Suite does not support Peercoin. Only the Trezor firmware, so it can sign Peercoin txns in 3rd party wallets.

Magnum wallet was such a wallet, which could use Trezor hardware via webusb. But I believe it’s defunct for a while now.