Peercoin Marketing Fund Now LIVE With 4,000 PPC & Currently Accepting Proposals!


Here is a message from River…

[quote=“river333”]We are proud to announce the launch of the Peercoin Marketing Fund. Instead of having a foundation or a small marketing team working in private, this fund will allow marketing to be done by the community, and for the community. No hidden agendas or ulterior motives.

Anyone can submit a proposal and receive funding for their idea, and all proposals will be voted on by the community before receiving funding.

The funds will be stored on peer4commit and will use multisig as soon as it is available. Distributing the funds to projects will be done by volunteers who hold the role on a temporary basis, and are voted in by the community. For the next six months, the community has voted in Cybnate and I for the role of fund keepers. Full details of the structure can be found in the Charter.

The fund has already received extremely generous donations, with 4000 PPC now available to start with. Donations can be sent on peer4commit. Please use the “Donate” button so you can give a return address.

If you have an idea for marketing Peercoin, you are now invited to post a proposal. Please see the Template for Submissions for more information.

We hope that this fund will help spread awareness and lead to greater adoption of Peercoin.[/quote]

The first proposal has also been posted for consideration.