Peercoin 9th Anniversary Image/Meme Contest

Thank you, I’m very happy to win this contest. I’m only 3 months into cryptocurrencies, learning all the coins and the technology that runs them. It wasn’t until late August when I was studying PPC that I discovered that there was a 9th anniversary contest, what a coincidence?
Anyway, I just downloaded and installed the official wallet. Currently synchronizing with network. Everything looks good, the network bar is full green with 11 connections. My plan is to become a node and do the minting from my computer while it’s on. Then in the future I’ll try to get a raspberry pi and make it a 24/7 node. Indonesia node. And also I’ll spread the word about how easy it is to mint with PPC and save energy use.
This is my generated receiving address:



That was fun, we should keep it going…

+1. When the next contest ? We’re all waiting for it :smiley:

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Well, what makes a good contest? I was hoping the ‘no rules’ catagory would get more creative submissions. We could do a code-based contest, or a design contest. Peercoin Analytics could always use a makeover. However, at that point it’s basically just paying for code. I really liked hrobeers’ giveaways, they were like little crypto puzzles that he coded into the OP_RETURN. I’d love to do something with PeerAssets. I dunno, what do you think? I don’t want to just do image contests, I think we already mined that gold.

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Maybe a scavenger hunt. Drop important clues in community updates so it happens over a long time. Make each clue lead to a ppc cache as well as another clue, maybe you need that and the community one to solve the next. A chain of clues, like a block chain.

is this still open or closed?
