Peercoin 10th anniversary raffle - WINNERS are here!


first of all, thank you to everyone that participated.

Now, congratulations to the following ten tickets:

  • a578f985a9a5364627a4970d260f875928765c0fcbff16a7793a6dbf8609d883
  • f0e7387e52fec2b690ad5dd2eb94b3e9fa0f2160352cb4329540ebfd4debd1ad
  • 382f1d269116a25cb66547f53b579f9bd95f7e6cd288b13c6fb79a3fb20c73b5
  • afc58cf55b302f70acae47f66e25fcab1e74bd073a598504d80b3b222eff65b1
  • 5183eb30542ea74fd85daa1849f536f5b2eae3938606fb66229cf400918b102e
  • 96404eb935ce37124de3cdb0356915cdf953451dc8f7e51254d484dd6b3aac39
  • 672d7f883bfdcb4c0f6c8b99877426f7e6bd25ec840e29e086f20291408dbcdd timed out
  • eba9bacae58040212f83cb96f89e818810e98785ceca9e6f296cc5fa6179fb72 timed out
  • 8b596903d1733c993e17c5d20b96d2885f059b6bab4e4b980d9c27cd67b85a4d
  • d8d6480f02d8b6f5dbc71316b5ca005bd26a3d54020db14dd3d9938a22ab1900
    Replacement winners for timed out tickets below!

If one of these transactions is yours, send an e-mail to

A signed message of your shipping address is mandatory to prove your ownership over the winning ticket. You may sign with any of the input addresses.

Winning ticket f0e7387e52fec2b690ad5dd2eb94b3e9fa0f2160352cb4329540ebfd4debd1ad has one input address: PQbCZ128sUr5t2vRodyyD1KbXRm4NUf1A4. This address needs to sign.

Example 2:

Provide both the “Sign Message” and the message itself (your address) e x a c t l y the way you entered it for signing in your email. It would also make my life easier if I don’t have to figure out myself which address you signed with :slight_smile:

You have until Saturday the 27th of August, 2022 - 09:30 UTC to claim your box.

Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully again, as I have to remind you that we can not ship to countries affected by EU sanctions.

Thanks so much and I hope you guys enjoy your boxes!



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Two winners did not meet the dead line today.

We have two new winning tickets:
e435dc9496dda91c44fb1bde3a9103a4c52eebe14178a06c772a6e3cdf5f9c5d timed out

You have until September 3rd 2022, 12:30 UTC to claim your win.

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One winner did not meet the dead line today.

We have one new winning ticket:

You have until September 10th 2022, 13:30 UTC to claim your win.

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All ten boxes have been claimed as of today, congratulations again!