Minting while having your ppc in cold storage

[quote=“petar87, post:13, topic:1772”]Hm, I gave it some more thoughts and that’s actually bad idea to have separate key for minting :(.

Imagine this, if you can mint risk-free then you won’t care much if somebody steals your credentials as he can just mint a block for you. Then people could give their keys in public so others can mint for them, and those minters would have potential to double spend then.

Now I think cold storage minting is not possible?[/quote]What about this: the holder of the minting key gets the ability to spend the block reward from the minted block, but not the ability to spend the stake. Then, you would still care if someone steals your minting key, because then they can still “steal” your 1% reward. However, the private key for the stake coins can be kept in cold storage. Does anyone see a flaw with this idea?