[MF] Peercoin Advertising on Reddit

Obviously I did not have enough time last weekend to finish this. Starting tomorrow though, I’ll have a 3 day weekend, so it’s finally going to be done, no more excuses!

Sounds good! Thanks!

Getting close to being done! I might be able to finish it after one more time working on it. Unfortunately, I ran into some issues with the 15,000 character count limit on Reddit, so I’m trying to fit as much as I can into the sticky.

[quote=“Hibero, post:58, topic:2722”]Hey Sentinelrv, can you make a new post with all your new edits? I would like to be able to forward the ads to a post instead of a comment.

Also I made a project on Peer4commit. The link is http://peer4commit.com/projects/126.

Once we have a post, I will make a test ad on some subreddit. (With my own money.) It looks like most of the bigger cryptocurrency subreddits are full, ad-wise, for the next few days. So I might just go with a not-so-great one for the test.[/quote]

Hibero, the sticky is finally done!


You can go ahead now and advertise. Have you already been paid from the marketing fund for gaining enough votes?

Also, do you have a title yet for your Reddit advertisements? It needs to be bold sounding to catch people’s interest. I propose the following title: “Why Are Peercoin & Proof-of-Stake the Future of Cryptocurrency?” This title ask a questions to everyone that sees it, peaking their interest. They’ll need to click it though to find out why. It also makes the assumption that Peercoin and PoS really are the future. I originally titled it “Find Out Why Peercoin & Proof-of-Stake Are the Future of Cryptocurrency.” but I realized that turning it into a question makes it more powerful sounding. What do you guys think?

I like it. I’ll go with it right now. :slight_smile:

By the way, great job!

So doing this advertising campaign is going to be difficult with Reddit’s system. I got lucky and was able to make the test one for next week but it is showing most crypto subreddits as being full throughout this month. Either way, 10,000 people should be seeing the ad next week on /r/Bitcoin!

you could include: “/r/futurology”, “/r/selfsufficiency”, “/r/cryptomarkets”, “/r/litecoin”, “/r/mintcoin”, “/r/personalfinance”, “/r/Finance”, “/r/Economics”…

My test advertising campaign on /r/Bitcoin isn’t doing nearly as well as I hoped. Worse comes to worse, I know that at a lot of people saw the logo and the name and I used personal money so none was lost to the marketing campaign.
If you guys want to go ahead and transfer the initial funds, I will go ahead and starting making the advertising campaigns for the other subreddits. I will try not to focus much ad focus on /r/bitcoin though. It seems most people on there are not so open to alternatives.

[quote=“Hibero, post:68, topic:2722”]My test advertising campaign on /r/Bitcoin isn’t doing nearly as well as I hoped. Worse comes to worse, I know that at a lot of people saw the logo and the name and I used personal money so none was lost to the marketing campaign.
If you guys want to go ahead and transfer the initial funds, I will go ahead and starting making the advertising campaigns for the other subreddits. I will try not to focus much ad focus on /r/bitcoin though. It seems most people on there are not so open to alternatives.[/quote]
Not sure if I understand this fully. You had an advertisement up at r/bitcoin but very few clicked on it and went to the linked post on r/peercoin, is that right?
And now you are convinced the focus on r/Bitcoin is wrong? It leaves me with a few questions and I like to understand what we can do better.

Can you please share the clickable banner you used, maybe we can help to improve that and make it more enticing for people to click on it?
And what would make you think that people from other communities would click on it? Or are you using tailored banners for each Reddit? And if you are ok with it, can we see the statistics about the period it went up and the amount of clicks? Just want to understand what happened so we can get the most value out of our PPC.

Happy to release funds for the next campaign, but really keen to understand better why r/Bitcoin was not a success, before doing so.

Are you advertising right now? I seem to be getting a lot of upvotes on my sticky thread. It would be great to get the things Cybnate brought up addressed.

If you scroll to the bottom of the duplicate posts on the reddit sticky there is a thread from Hibero. I’m guessing that is the advertisement.

My test seems that it will run out of funds tomorrow. I will do a quick follow-up and analysis on it then.

[center]Campaign of 09/06/14 - 09/14/14
Test on /r/Bitcoin Results

Google Drive Spreadsheet Data:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zlwYz6PKW1AzXgh_vObCvRhUTXiyGUa-JgseKWRvsVY/pubhtml
Advertisement Link: http://www.reddit.com/r/peercoin/comments/2ffwcn/welcome_to_rpeercoin_intro_to_peercoin_important/[/center]

[td][center]Money spent:[/center][/td] [td]$10.00[/td]
[td][center]Number of Subreddits Advertised on:[/center][/td] [td]1[/td]
[td][center]Subreddits Advertised on:[/center][/td] [td]Bitcoin[/td]
[td][center]Impressions:[/center][/td] [td]10,64[/td]
[td][center]Clicks:[/center][/td] [td]51[/td]

These results were not as good as I hoped they would be. I feel this is due to the fact of advertising to /r/Bitcoin. I am not saying that we should not advertise to the subreddit but we need to make sure it is not our main focus or even a large focus. I have been following /r/Bitcoin for some time and the majority of outspoken users have never seemed very open to altcoins. My recommendation for the next campaign is to have a more suited title. I think followers of /r/Bitcoin may have found ours as insulting.

My next advertising campaign will be setup on the following subreddits as a whole: futurology, Bitcoin, technology, programming, gadgets, Android, buildapc, dogecoin, battlestations, apple, linux, sysadmin, BitcoinMarkets, dogemarket, dogemining, learnprogramming, iphone, windowsphone, techsupport, webdev, math, cryptocurrency

Once I have funds, I will start the campaign.

Also, if anyone has any ideas for ad slogans, go ahead and post them and I will use them when I can!

I wasn’t sure if everyone would have a firm understanding on all the terminology in the picture so I decided to make a short overview.
Impressions: The amount of times the ad was shown on a page. This does not necessarily mean the user saw it.
CPM (Cost-Per-Impression): In this case, it is the amount of money it takes to have to get a thousand impressions. This is a fixed number that they determine.
Clicks: The number of times the ad was clicked on. I am not sure how reddit’s system works. I am hoping this isolates the number of clicks when they are shown to the audience from the number of visits.
CTR (Click-Through-rate): This is the percentage of Impressions that turned into Clicks. The way they find this is Clicks/Impressions *100.
CPC (Cost-Per-Click): The amount of money spent per Click. They find this by dividing the amount of money by the amount of Clicks that were made.

Thanks for posting all the details. You might be right that current slogan is a bit too cheeky for Bitcoin users. We might need to be more subtle.

Anyway, I think it’s worth to have a go at the other subreddits as you propose with the same slogan for now and see what kind of results we would get from there:

You asked $125 for this proposal. This translates in about 160 PPC at current rates. It has just been transferred to PRfVeSjTuKvGRjd3jqS6YpN31z7zZWuu6P, your Hibero account on peer4commit.
Unfortunately I couldn’t transfer the fund directly into you peer4commit project. That functionality is still on wishlist for next version of peer4commit.com :slight_smile:

As discussed earlier I propose to discuss any further funding based on the results and effectiveness.
In my opinion that would require another round of voting based on a copy of the original proposal, but I’m open to other suggestion on how to deal with this.

Thanks Cybnate. I am in the process of transferring and converting the funds so that I can use them in the Reddit advertising system. I hope to have it up in the next few days.

Since I started the conversion of Peercoins into USD, it is now possible to buy reddit advertising with BTC and the PPC price has jumped over 80%. Great. Sorry guys. I was trying to rush the conversion process but all I got getting stuck with Coinbase’s slow sell process while all this good news has been happening. haha

Also, it looks like the funds will be cleared tomorrow. Is everyone okay with me including NuBits into the title of the advertisement post?

I’m not sure about this. I think this fund should stick to Peercoin.

I’m not sure about this. I think this fund should stick to Peercoin.[/quote]
I with you on that one. NuBits has their own marketing plan. Let’s keep that separate for now.

Gotcha, will do. Found out that someone or a multitude of people are advertising a lot over the next few weeks and have bought all the available impressions. I will figure out a more effective way of doing this.

Maybe, it is not bad to keep quiet for 2 weeks while NuBits plays their thunder and just schedule now for the week(s) thereafter. But it is your call.