Major evolution for Peer4commit

[quote=“Cybnate, post:60, topic:2321”]I was just thinking about the increasing number of projects. Is it possible/feasible to add a filter to the list of projects?
E.g. by creation date, activity (number of commits/contributions), donation value (default), project name or project maintainer?[/quote]

Or even optional project categories/filters that can be added to existing projects, marketing, video, development, clients, etc…

Also, if support for other cryptos is added in the future, we’d need to add categories/filters for what currency the project is based on (Not just what the fundraiser accepts), Bitcoin, Litecoin, Peercoin or even projects for multiple currencies, like a wallet development project that supports many different cryptos. For example, this could let you filter out all projects except Peercoin related ones (Plus multi-crypto supported projects, since that would include Peercoin as well).

The design is a huge step forward for this project. Will be looking to see how the Storj team can help out with this, as it will be very useful for the both of us.

Sigmike, an error I noticed is the green buttons don’t show up for me unless I put my mouse over them…

Ok, here is what the website looks like on FireFox…

And here is what it looks like on IE 11:

As you can see, the black bar at the top is missing in IE, the buttons are blue and the sign in button doesn’t display. I’m not sure how many people still use Windows 7 and IE 11, but I still do. Is there a way to fix these things, or will I be forced to upgrade to FireFox or something else?

That would be great as it requires a lot of experience to make it work properly on both Firefox and IE unfortunately.

About categorization, would tags be enough?

About IE, yes I haven’t checked the site on IE yet. Thank you for reminding me that.

Well, I guess you will need tags to categorise in the first place. The logical next step would be the ability to filter or sort on the tags. An alternative is to give each tag type a separate tab in main projects menu. But that would limit the number of categories.

Here’s the updated FAQ:

What do you think?

I deployed the new peer4commit to

Fantastic work Mike.

very nice, but i thing some space should exist between the green bars and the below circle from the other entity

[quote=“sigmike, post:68, topic:2321”]Here’s the updated FAQ:

What do you think?[/quote]
Some quick feedback

At the first question, you might a expand a little bit and add raise and distribute funds or something like that.

There is is typo under can I trust fundraiser; researches, should be just research

Great, will be using the new functionality soon :slight_smile:

When was the submission date for the reward from that Bitcoin guy? Did you already submit?

[quote=“sigmike, post:68, topic:2321”]Here’s the updated FAQ:

What do you think?[/quote]

That is great

On Peer4commit the fundraiser is not expected to do the actual work. His job is to collect funds and distribute them to the people who work on the project.

You just slapped the face of the investment banker who claim they were “doing God’s work”. ;D

If he doesn't do that you should be suspicious.

I think you should be skeptical. He is suspicious. :slight_smile:

No FAQ item for getting a refund?

The answer for “How can I raise funds?” should list guidelines for the fundraiser besides clicking the button.

The anwser for developers question (“How can I get paid to do the actual work?”) seems to be too rough. Currently it basically just says “ask the fund raiser”.

Checking it out.
In the front page the big green FAQ bar is so high it blocks most of the explanatory text below the circles if I don’t enable in the javascript blocker of firefox.

The deadline is tomorrow at 12:00 UTC, so in about 24 hours. I haven’t submitted it yet. I think I will copy/paste the FAQ so your comments (or texts) are welcome.

About the design issues, if you’re using IE8 I added some fixes. If the problems are still there can you give your browser version and maybe a screenshot?

Looks good imo. On android chrome there’s a small issue with the symbols for each subsection on the front page. I mean the round icons for contribute, raise funds and how it works. They need a small margin from the buttons just above them, as it is they’re touching the buttons.

@SigMike, is there going to be a feature in the future to delete a project if no funds have been sent to it?

The design issues should be fixed now.

Yes probably but it doesn’t look like a priority item.