Ledger Nano S hardware wallet peercoin application

I’ve updated the guide to new versions of firmware and application. have fun with your Nano S.


I am thinking of posting testnet peercoin application in this thread from now on. What do you think?

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Good idea, that would be great for testing purposes.

after updating firmware in ledger nano s
it says

File “/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ledgerblue/comm.py”, line 135, in exchange
raise CommException(“Invalid status %04x (%s)” % (sw, possibleCause), sw, response)
ledgerblue.commException.CommException: Exception : Invalid status 6a84 (Not enough space?)

any idea… ??

You should probably ask at Ledger community support channels. They operate a Slack channel.

But my guess is: not enough space. Just like the error message says. Try deleting some apps from the ledger.