How to sign coinbase when I found a PoS block?

One of the most romantic story among Chinese btcers recently is that Shenyu, the operator of “discuss fish” (3rd largest pool), declared his marriage on weibo. Instead of proposing with gold or diamond ring, he signed the following words in the coinbase of blocks that the pool found: 执子之手,与子偕老, which is translated into:
In death or life (we are) separated and far apart;
With you I made an agreement:
I grasped your hand,
Together with you I was to grow old. --Bernhard Karlgren

He used 1LoveYoURwCeQu6dURqTQ7hrhYXDA4eJyn to mine and found block #29965 and 29966.

My question is:
How to sign coinbase when I found a PoS block?

There’s no CoinBase in a PoS block. There’s a CoinStake instead. And you can’t put free text in a CoinStake.

Sorry to hear that. Is there any other way to insert free text on the blockchain on PoS block?
If it is viable, there would be much fun! :pearcoin:

Actually I think I was wrong. The first transaction is still a CoinBase and the only restriction seems to be on the outputs. So you can probably add a free text.

That’s exciting. How? I know there is deeper concern on bloating the blockchain. But this is really tempting.

That’s the line you should change:
But I don’t know if there is any peercoin block explorer that would display your text.

There are many things in peercoin that are designed to reduce the blockchain bloat. So I would not be surprised if this was removed (or at least more limited) in the future.

[quote=“sigmike, post:6, topic:2360”]That’s the line you should change:
But I don’t know if there is any peercoin block explorer that would display your text.

There are many things in peercoin that are designed to reduce the blockchain bloat. So I would not be surprised if this was removed (or at least more limited) in the future.[/quote]

According to Shenyu,the explorer that he developed : supports displaying coinbase text.
We just need an example!