Help me about chains/d ! very confusing

I got a CPU Intel core Duo CPU T7700 4 core.I’m using xoliminer on centos to pool mine on beer.
There are some recent entries in the log when I miner

[STATS] 2013-12-18 04:09:32 | 458 primes/s, 7443 tests/s, 159 5-chains/h, 0.014 chains/d

I’m confused about 0.0.14 chains/d
0.014 chains/days must be total for 4 cores right ? or each one cpu.


Thats the total for all workers (cores).

I think it is supposed to be an estimate of how often you will find the target chain length (currently 10)

So, if you have 1 chains/day, then you will find 1 10-chain every day on average.

I remember when my computer was mining 9-chains, it had a chains/day estimate of 2, which seemed to be accurate to the number of 9-chains I actually mined.