First Condition Met for Peercoin’s v0.14 Hard Fork, About 19% Remaining

Hello everyone. We just wanted to provide a progress report on the status of Peercoin’s v0.14 hard fork. Today the first condition of the hard fork has been met. The first condition is that June 3rd, 2024 must be reached.

The only remaining condition is for v0.14 blocks to reach 75% support. Once 75% is reached at, the Peercoin network will hard fork. Currently the percentage is slightly above 56%, so we have about 19% left to go. If you have not upgraded yet, please do so we can close the gap.

In case you are not aware, the latest version of v0.14 includes a new feature that makes it so your wallet automatically maximizes your minting rewards. This was not available in the initial release of v0.14, but it is included in the latest version, so if you would like to maximize your minting rewards, please upgrade to the latest version here:


Come on fellas! :clap: :clap: :clap: