Changes to Peercoin's Slogan & Core Messaging

I want to use “cryptocoin” over “cryptocurrency” because coin(s) is/are different and stand out by their design. The fact that ten years into the great crypto experiment we’re down to up to 10 actively developed coins speaks volumes. Coins a dying breed and are unique and special, and we should advertise that Peercoin is unique and special.

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This is great that we all have a chance to contribute and vote. I like this but its got me thinking and researching… We may be on the wrong path here…
Nike - Soft Comfortable running shoes
KFC - THE Best Deep Fried Chicken Recipe
Hallmark - Good quality, plastic coated birthday cards
Hahaa NO!
Nike - Just Do It
KFC - Finger Licking Good
Hallmark - When you care enough to send the very best
Slogans are not describing a product. The’yre describing a feeling or making a bold statement.
Let’s not rush this and open up to some BOLD statement ideas as slogans. I mean how would we describe all of Peercoins’ genius software in 3-5 words anyway. Also I think Peer to peer and Coin is covered in our name. Anyone (Nubie or OG) reading our logo would know that we are a crypto currency (and even better, a Crypto Coin.) We are the best Coin. Not just one of the last 10 Coin survivors from the early days…
What is the Feeling you all get from being part of Peercoin? For me, the best way to describe it is… Mostly Warm and Fuzzy but also, Safe, Excited, Proud, Positive and Included.
Ok Ill go first at a BOLD Slogan…
Peercoin - The warm and fuzzy Crypto Coin

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Peercoin - Crypto never felt so good

Peercoin - The Angels of Crypto

Peercoin - What else?

lol come on who’s next? Keep it going

To be honest, I always cringe when I see the word ‘sustainable’ used for marketing because it’s become such a meaningless ‘catch-all’ buzzword.

I think you have it backwards. It shouldn’t be up to the devs to decide in a top-down fashion what peercoin is. That is something the market can, and will do, via a bottom-up market discovery process.

Instead of worrying about whether peercoin is an asset, a coin or a cryptocoin, and trying to encapsulate this in a slogan, I think we need to focus on the qualities that make peercoin unique. In other words, focus on what peercoin does, rather than what it is.

To me, those qualities are: the ease for anyone to become a full, block-producing node; 10 years of continuous network consensus and up-time; alignment of interests between block producers and validators; and low network energy usage.

In my mind, the first of these is the easiest to ‘sell’. The ability to produce blocks with such a low barrier to entry empowers those who invest their capital into this network. This is why I am drawn to peercoin.

So I would go with something like “Free to Mint”, “Minting for All” “Mint Freely” or “Permissionless Minting”, i.e. I think it’s more effective to use verbs instead of nouns to describe peercoin!


with no hard cap. permissionless minting gives me feeling of tera luna…

But Luna could only be minted via permissioned validators, am I wrong?

Yes, it is/was a dPoS system.

Going off some of the more recent experimental examples…

Peercoin - Stake Your Claim

The phrase means to indicate something as one’s own, but it also plays off the term Proof of Stake, basically telling people to claim their stake.


I’ve some sympathy with this, as my managers at work are always using this word. I did try the thesaurus, the only other suggestion is “viable”

We could try “10 years of”

“10 years of cryptocoin”
“10 years of sustainable cryptocoin”
“10 years of viable cryptocoin”

Not sure these are improvements over “The sustainable cryptocoin”, and we’d have to change the slogan in mid-2023.

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Peercoin - Stake Your Claim

I like this a lot better than the slogans using crypto/coin/asset. Much more “punch” to it in my opinion!

Just to be clear, I still much prefer The Sustainable Cryptocoin. This new one I put forth has a non-serious vibe to it that I don’t quite like. I don’t want to risk cheapening Peercoin with something that sounds silly. It was just an experiment, and I can’t really think of anymore examples of slogans that give off a feeling.

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“Peercoin- Claim your Stake”. Encouraging end user to mint and educating them about securing network by running full node.

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Yes I like this.

Great start in the right direction.

Love it. Outside the box. Yes it could have a touch more of a serious note.

10 year old Coin shows sustainability. Solid

Minting since 2012

Minting Crypto Coins Since 2012

Peercoin - The only Cryptocoin you need

Peercoin - Bitcoin is the Alt Coin lol

Peercoin - Its not an Alt Coin, its The Coin

Peercoin - You’ve Found It!!!

BTW I think the idea to move away from comparing Peercoin to Bitcoin is great. Changing our messaging would show professionalism and confidence. To own our position in the market without comparing ourselves to competitors. The very detailed explanation from Peerchemist and Sentinelrv is very interesting and makes a lot of sense. Although I did think that marketing to newcomers would be the goal. The idea that we aim at getting a percentage of a percentage of bitcoin money over to Peercoin has really got me thinking. I think it’s an excellent strategy because if/when it works it would automatically have a flow on of newcomers anyway.
Can we change the logo of Peercoin to PeerCoin or Peer Coin
Peer Coin - immutable, impartial
Since 2012

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Just so everyone is aware, a couple days ago we made the switch to the slogan that had the most consensus from users in this thread. We have chosen “The Sustainable Cryptocoin”. It’s up on the home page of the website now. I’ll change our social media graphics when I have time.

Let’s not consider this completely solved though. We can continue to use this thread to talk about improvements to Peercoin’s core messaging. As mentioned in the original post, Peercoin’s messaging includes all the content on our website, the Peercoin Primer video series from Chronos, Peercoin University, and the arguments we use on social media to convince people about why they should own and use PPC. We can always try to find ways to improve our arguments and wording to be more convincing.


“The Sustainable Cryptocoin” sounds good to me :blush:


Cryptocoin is no weight in the zeitgeist right now and will be indistinguishable (for most) from cryptocurrency or crypto.

Coin and P2P are also implied in Peercoin so I would avoid for sake of not being redundant.

I like:

The Sustainable Crypto-Asset
A Sustainable Crypto-Asset

UPDATE: After more thought I think Cryptocoin is better, as it’s more important to lead in creating the terminology and I think @peerchemist is on the right track here.


Can we create a info icon as superscript over the “n” in the word “cryptocoin” that triggers a popup that shows @peerchemist’s definition?

How about just putting a third button says “cryptocurrency vs cryptocoin”

I think we’re really missing an opportunity to educate people

Where would you put that button? On the website?
