BFL Jalapeno and Block Erupter Cube for PPC

Hello. So a few days ago I started off into my PPC pursuits. I have my 11 GH/s Jalapeno through BFGminer. I have a block erupter cube landing in like two days.

I want to use them both for the ecoining pool, and was wondering if anyone could give me the best set up.

When I say that, I mean will they both point through BFGminer?

Or will I use the BFG for the Jally and then Stratum for the Cube?

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

Thank you!

You can check our ‘getting started’ page in the pool:

Not sure, but I think the cube doesn’t support stratum so you’ll have to use a mining proxy. It’s really easy and you have the instructions there too.
