Becare of Teehe

Becare of, the domain name registration is only 1 year(1/3 period has been past), even I registered some similar BTC domain name for sale, i plan to hold it at least for 2 years, with such short strategy of Teehe, please keep in mind while you invest it.

The domain name registration information of Tehee gotten today:

1 1 API GMBH Robyn Ross Email 2015-01-06(start time) 2016-01-06(end time) 2015-04-01 09:38:51

By the way, like BTCMK/BTCMB . COM/NET/CO, I had registered for 5 years.

I just give a note for the inverstor, maybe that should not be worried.

More informations:
NAMESECTOR LLC Domain Admin Email 2014-05-23 2015-05-23 2015-04-01 10:04:38 (seem to be another company)

2 … except .com and .net, others are not registered

[center][size=10pt]Becare the beast Teehe, for he is the Devil’s pawn.
Alone among Satoshi’s forks, he scamms for sport or lust or greed.
Yea, he will scam his brother to possess his brother’s coins.
Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours.
Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.[/size]

[quote=“Teehe, post:2, topic:3442”][center][size=10pt]Becare the beast Teehe, for he is the Devil’s pawn.
Alone among Satoshi’s forks, he scamms for sport or lust or greed.
Yea, he will scam his brother to possess his brother’s coins.
Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours.
Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.[/size]

This has to become the official motto at some point.