[ANN] PeerKeeper: Backend implementation started

Interesting, but how is this relevant to this thread?[/quote]

Can we use browser plugin to block ads?

Just an idea. I think you should use the thread title as a news dispersal mechanism. For example, cut the title short where it only says [ANN] PeerKeeper - and then after the dash include a short summary of the latest news and constantly change it when there is something new to report. For exampleā€¦

[ANN] PeerKeeper: BIP44/SLIP44 & Key Export Implemented - Testers Needed

Thanks, changed the title.

Please guys, any feedback helps the project!

A small update

Iā€™m working on a sub project called ā€œPeerScript Labsā€, it serves as a testground for Smart Contract support in PeerKeeper.
PeerScript Labs will be published in the near future.

Please note that this is all part of the ā€œPeerKeeper - PeerAssetsā€ ecosystem, meaning that these projects are still in progress!

A key BIP32 compatibility issue is found in bitcore-lib https://medium.com/@alexberegszaszi/why-do-my-bip32-wallets-disagree-6f3254cc5846

PeerKeeper shouldnā€™t be affected by this, but Iā€™ll make sure to double check it.

Is this still in development?

Yes it is.
Iā€™ve been working on peerscript-labs and peerassets lately, as these transaction types will be integrated in PeerKeeper.

And donā€™t forget that PeerKeeper is a crucial component to PeerAssets, so it is still going on!


Why PeerKeeper does not use brainwallet passphrases!

PeerKeeper status update.

My focus is shifting back to PeerKeeper.
However, since there is no decent block explorer on testnet, I started building a minimal block explorer that indexes only the bare minimum for PeerKeeper operation.
So this wonā€™t be a full featured block explorer, but one that can be run locally (or centralized remotely) next to a ppcoin node and that is light on resources.
Itā€™ll eventually also provide the functionality needed to allow in browser minting.

This project will be modular, so that itā€™ll later also serve as a PA node and that the PeerKeeper and PA modules can be switched on and off independently.

Iā€™ll keep you guys posted!

<3 workinā€™ like crazy