Why PeerCoin (for the average Joe)

Then BTC has to remove the 21 million cap of supply, which will never happen.[/quote]
Not really. PoS miners can get their income from transaction fees as PoW miners, but I believe it wouldn’t happen because it will too radically change bitcoin ideology. There is no point to add PoS to bitcoin because there is peercoin for this.[/quote]

Unlike btc, transaction fee of PPC will be permanently destroyed and won’t be paid to PoS or PoW miners? Am I right?

Then BTC has to remove the 21 million cap of supply, which will never happen.[/quote]
Not really. PoS miners can get their income from transaction fees as PoW miners, but I believe it wouldn’t happen because it will too radically change bitcoin ideology. There is no point to add PoS to bitcoin because there is peercoin for this.[/quote]

Unlike btc, transaction fee of PPC will be permanently destroyed and won’t be paid to PoS or PoW miners? Am I right?[/quote]

yes (he was talking about the hypothetical situation where bitcoin would adopt PoS, and how that would technically be possible)

Very little of what is discussed on this page makes sense to the average Joe. Nor do the explanations for “proof of stake”, “increased security” or “energy efficiency” on the website.

Minting, which is a pretty freaking cool concept that most Average Joe’s would be intrigued by, is not even mentioned on the website.

Well, I don’t want to be disillusioning but I think A. Joe don’t know and don’t care about mining and related risks. Horribile dictu A. Joe don’t even care about the awesome features of a coin. I guess A. Joe usually want to buy something quickly and comfortably for his money. As currently A. Joe can’t buy too much stuff for his PPCs, he will not like it more than few bottle caps what we found in his backyard.

If the average Joe doesn’t care about money security he doesn’t have to care about PPC. Money service providers will give him instantly spendable money – bills, plastic, checks, apps…

Sorry it was my misunderstanding. I thought you want to persuade A. Joe to use PPC instead of other legacy means of payment.

Sorry it was my misunderstanding. I thought you want to persuade A. Joe to use PPC instead of other legacy means of payment.[/quote]

A. Joe perhaps does care once he is told he can’t buy the beer when his money service account is frozen because the Network he has chosen stopped working. A. Joe thinks it is an attack from the Matrix until he finds out his buddy J. Doe still gets the beer just because Doe’s account is backed by the PPC Network.