When can transaction fees exceed 0.01 PPC? (Mechanics)

You were right when you suggested it needs to be in a separate topic.

Sorry Ben for the off-topic, this post should put an end to it.
Ppcman, this is my last post, I just need to clarify this (you can answer if you like, I don’t give, I won’t pick up).

The reason I’m getting into a debate is because we’re not arguing whether the PS4 is better than the Xbox 1; we’re talking about the future of world, paperless, government-free currencies, and a damn lot of money is at stake. Maturity should drive a sane debate, not insults.

1 - You started the debate whether fees are good for merchants or not ; I even quoted you in my first comment here.
2 - I come up with sound explanations of my points and your answer is that I’m an idiot.
Ok that’s cool. You’ve clearly never run nor checked the books of a sustainable business. I have a Masters in Accounting & Finance w/ a major in Auditing ; so I don’t care that you agree or not with me, I’m just stating the facts of how businesses work. And I’m happy making people aware of that.

Goodbye now.

Can’t you increase the fee amount above .01 if you want to? Someone might have added additional amount to the fee. And the additional fee does go to the miners and is not destroyed. This is what may be happening.

Yes, you certainly can. In the cases that I listed above, it’s certainly plausible that it occurred, but not necessarily probable. The correlation between the number of component inputs and the total size of the transaction in kBs appears to be tied in some sort of ratio.

Granted, this is my interpretation of the data, and may be incorrect. If anyone has a better idea of how to anticipate what the cost of a transaction will be, via the number of inputs required to send it, please let me know.

I believe coin control is one of the top priorities on the development list so this issue will eventually be resolved as you will be able to choose what coins you are sending. Right now I believe it sends the oldest coins first. So the only way to get around this right now, I believe, is to be using multiple wallets. Coin control is coming in future development. I’m not sure an answer to this one is readily known at this point; this one might be a discussion worth talking to Sunny about.