What do Professionals/Famous/Well Known People Think about Proof Of Stake

[quote=“hrobeers, post:3, topic:4047”]It is ridiculous what complex constructions are being invented these days. Forking can be very easily avoided by reducing the possibility to mint on multiple chains by referencing previous block info in the stake hash like is done in our protocol.

Also the delegated PoS system is stupid. What they don’t tell you is that they need delegated PoS to reduce the chance of forks due to their high blockrate and transaction validation cost. No way you can mint eth on a RPI, you need a powerful machine for that.

Let’s face it, peercoin solved the PoS issues. These guys need to reinvent it because it doesn’t work on their overly complex and bloated blockchain.[/quote]

People keep thinking they know better than the inventor of proof-of-stake himself and create new blockchains just so they can claim that they’ve fixed its “supposed” flaws. We’ve got coins like Neucoin or Blackcoin who created PoS 2.0 and 3.0, then we’ve got PoS time and now Casper. People act like Vitalik is the go to guy about all things PoS, like he’s the complete expert on the topic.

I would personally love to get you on Beyond Bitcoin again in the near future so you can expand on this topic and demolish our competition. I think it would really help if we had an audio interview we could point people to that explains why Peercoin is not an outdated PoS protocol with flaws like everyone thinks it is, rather it actually knows what it’s doing better than all our competitors do.