We need a official blog

We must have a official blog where our ideas, discuss and projects can be presented in plan and simple fashion easily understandable by interested parties.
Even simple posts like 250 word interesting discuss that happened on peercoin.chat will draw clicks and people will get to learn more about us.

Any volunteers to organize this?

I was thinking to point medium to blog.peercoin.net (https://help.medium.com/hc/en-us/articles/213474588-How-do-I-set-up-a-custom-domain-)


I can try looking into it maybe tomorrow or Thursday.

Ive renamed my medium account “PeercoinPulse” and call it a peercoin blog. Let me know if anyone has something better, or wants me to post something.

Does it let you add contributors?

I can create a post and add writers and editors.


Not the most elegant solution, however.

It is fine for now. Thx.