Update to LadyBUG- Peercoin Wallet V3.1 from 2015 Not working, Not syncing

I am at step 10-11 code error.
MacBook-Pro tools % ./wallet-tool

Compiling WalletTool to a JAR

./wallet-tool: line 9: mvn: command not found

i didn’t need to use ‘brew’ in Step 2 or ‘mvn’ in Step 9 at the start of the command. as it said error -command not found. (Homebrew no correctly installed)

You need to run the entire commands. If it says the brew command is not found, then it means homebrew was not correctly installed from step 1. Please follow these steps and hopefully homebrew should work:

  1. Install Xcode from the app store and then restart your Mac.
  2. Run the Xcode application and wait for it to download and install anything that it does.
  3. Run the homebrew installation command again from https://brew.sh/
  4. Follow any instructions given by that command carefully. Look out for any errors or problems during the process.
  5. Once homebrew is successfully installed, restart the Mac again and check that it is installed correctly by running: homebrew --version which should output the version you are running.
  6. Assuming homebrew is successfully installed, continue from step 2 in the original instructions. brew install maven is required before the mvn command is available.
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Xcode is a program. so I just download and install it, and leave the program open as I follow the Terminal steps? I don’t see how Xcode installs onto the terminal prior to Homebrew.

You just need to install it and then let it run once as it may wish to install things during the first run. Don’t do anything in the terminal until Xcode has finished doing any setup. If it asks you to install additional components then you should do that and go through the steps. You can close it after it is complete.

Xcode software app just ask if i want to start a new project… so no project within that program. I am working on terminal.
Homebrew just says to use the install link within terminal script to install homebrew.
I tried $: homebrew --version

No homebrew… yet the line before says homebew installed.

Have you restarted the Mac? What is the output of homebrew --version? What is the output of echo $PATH? Does the output of homebrew --version change after running export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH ?

Yes, i had to start the process over several times. I receive error messages.
to confirm. brew -version Homebrew 4.0.9

MacBook-Pro ~ % brew install java
Warning: openjdk 19.0.2 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 19.0.2, run:
brew reinstall openjdk

When I get to the final steps it says Java is not installed. I go back to the Brew install java and it doesn’t install java, bew installs openjdk

It looks like you have brew installed now, so go through the steps again. You’ve already installed Java so that’s fine. Don’t forget to run step 3 so that Java can locate the runtime.

I don’t think i’ve install java… i keep receiving this error on step 2

@MacBook-Pro ~ % brew install java
==> Downloading https://formulae.brew.sh/api/cask.jws.json
Warning: openjdk 19.0.2 is already installed and up-to-date.
To reinstall 19.0.2, run:
brew reinstall openjdk

That’s just a warning. You can run java --version to check.

I did brew install java… i don’t think it installed.

I did step 3.

I end up on step 11 and come to this…

MacBook-Pro tools % ./wallet-tool

The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to locate a Java Runtime.

Please visit http://www.java.com for information on installing Java.

It’s the java runtime that is missing which is why step 3 is required. What is the output of step 3:

sudo ln -sfn /opt/homebrew/opt/openjdk/libexec/openjdk.jdk /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk.jdk

What is the output of ls -l /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines ?

Also, what is the output of ls /opt/homebrew/opt/openjdk/libexec/openjdk.jdk ?

I downloaded Java! LOL

I started the process over. I got to step 13, I dumped wallet, I found the file with code,
I found the line Keys: / Seed as words: - - -

So I believe I am almost there, now… I need to covert from Hex to WIF format. I am just reading over the final process.

I think i need to get the program ‘Electrum’ to convert this Hex to WIF format.
and this should create a new readible file that can be opened by the newest Peercoin Wallet. Once I learn this final step. It should be complete and I will test to see if I can import my peercoin recovery file.

After command - in step 3
sudo ln -sfn /opt/homebrew/opt/openjdk/libexec/openjdk.jdk /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk.jdk

next line output: requests a user password.

how your Import the wallet into the newer Peercoin wallet/ Menu/ Window / console /

I see the warning there, beaware - warning.

what are people suppose to input into this to load their wallet? WIF or HEX, or some KEY or word Phase.

WIF = Wallet Import Format

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Peercoin uses a different WIF prefix than Bitcoin. I doubt Electrum will allow you to generate Peercoin-compatible WIFs.

If you download the previous software I mentioned (GitHub - peercoin/bitaddress.ppc: JavaScript Client-Side Bitcoin Wallet Generator) and then open the index.html in Safari, there should be a “Wallet Details” tab that allows insertion of HEX private keys and I expect that should provide a compatible WIF. However, I do not know as I’ve not used it myself and I don’t know if it was ported fully and correctly.

You will need to create a wallet on peercoin-qt and then in the console type the following. The "" part can include a label for the key inside the quotation marks:

importprivkey WIFGOESHERE "" false

Then once they are all imported rescanblockchain needs to be entered into the console to scan the blockchain for your transactions.

peercoin-qt is… (the name of the peercoin wallet on my computer?)

I don’t quite understand those instructions. don’t i import a file by console?

I have multiple codes of hex. to be converted to WIF, Matthew, You’ve explained to enter each WIF code one by one
8 codes so 8 times…

importprivkey (Wif code insert) “key label” false

Not sure what your mean by - A label of a key inside the quotation marks.

within the dump file there is -Seed as hex: -Key to watch: -seed birthday: -Seed as words:

Key label is Key to watch? take that Hex to WIF and insert into quotation marks?

Last seen best block: 290078 (Mon Mar 13 06:30:45 EDT 2017):

The peercoin wallet does not read my WIF code inputs

I inputed on console Importprivkey WIFcode

I receive the error message. This type of wallet does not support this command (code-4)

I used Private Key WIF (51 characters base58, starts with a ‘7’)

I don’t know how to import my peercoins into the peercoin wallet.

UPDATE!!! I used WIF compressed code. starting with ‘U’ to importprivkey on console.

With the problem I experienced with getting the (Code-4) Peercoin Member Shamil Randuev pointed out with the Peercoin wallet when creating a new wallet → Don’t select ‘Descriptor wallet’ have the box unchecked. As a result of remaking a Peercoin wallet without the ‘Descriptor wallet’ I went to the console and used the command: importprivkey WIFc code starting with ‘U’ and did that line by line. I saw some loading action taking place, the result line was ‘Null’. after on console I did the command rescanblockchain. & Now my Peercoins from my Old android wallet version 3.1 from 2015 are updated onto the LadyBUG new peercoin wallet and I am minting for the first time. Thank you MatthewLM!! Thank you Shamil Randuev & Peercoin community.
I wasn’t sure it was possible, I am proud of myself that I was able to follow the magic recipe provided by MatthewLM.

I hope this thread can help someone else out there in the same situation.