Peercoin January Monthly Summary

Team Updates #39: Peercoin January Monthly Summary

Medium Link: Team Updates #39: Peercoin January Monthly Summary

Peercoin Support on the Trezor Model T
This month, Peercoin was successfully ported to the Trezor Model T wallet by @backpacker69. If you are interested in getting a Trezor, you can get one here: We are also pleased to announce that Peercoin support will be coming to the other Trezor wallet in the next month.

Cointoolkit Updates
Time Locked Addresses are now available on the Peercoin Cointoolkit interface. If you want to make a transaction unspendable until a certain date or block height, this is the easiest method to create this type of transaction. You can find the interface here: Cointoolkit. We will also be releasing a video tutorial on how to use this feature in the near future. Cointoolkit has also gotten a number of bugfixes and overall polish in past couple of weeks.

Perpera Nextcloud
Perpera is coming to Nextcloud and after being implemented to the web app, the next goal is to gather Nextcloud users as well. We want to make sure the interface is as comfortable as possible for users so your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Thread Link: Perpera plugin for Nextcloud Translations
We are reopening translations for We have completed Italian translations and they are under review. We are in need of Polish, Vietnamese, Hindi, Russian, and Farsi translators for the Peercoin website. We are offering bounties for translations. Please make a comment in the thread if you wish to help with translations.

Translation thread: Translators needed! - #33 by Buckkets

That is all for this update! You may have noticed a lack of a December update as most of our team was spending time with family for the holidays, as well as it being a quiet month overall. We are pleased to return to your standard programming.

You can stay up to date with the latest news by using our forums or other platforms! You can come chat directly with the community on our Telegram/Discord , so come say hello!
