[testers needed] Pacli

Simple CLI PeerAssets client.

This simple PeerAssets client is implemented using the pypeerassets Python library.
This command line program is useful as companion utility during PeerAssets development and testing. It is built for console usage via intuitive and easy to learn set of commands.
It stores the privkey in OS’s native keystore, which is automatically unlocked upon logging into active user session.
It handles only one key for now, until HD key support is implemented.

pacli does not support transaction signing yet, until that is implemented (in the next minor version) please use the --verify flag with deck spawning, card transferring/issuing. Verify will print a link to Cointoolkit here you can visually inspect the transaction, sign it and broadcast it.
Use the pacli address show --wif command to get your privkey, which can then be pasted into the cointoolkit.

issue reports / features requests

Please raise issues and report bugs at Github page: Issues · PeerAssets/pacli · GitHub


pacli depends on python3.5 or python3.6, it will require you to have python3-setuptools and python3-pip as well. How to get those is beyond the scope of this tutorial, but visiting python.org should get you started.
Pacli is meant to be used in desktop environment (as opposed to server), on Linux, OSX and Windows. So far we have it confirmed working on Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 17.10, Ubuntu 18.04, Debian 9, OS X 10.11.6 and Windows 10.

pip3 install pacli

On linux, to have pacli in the path do the following:

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin
source ~/.bashrc

how to use it?

For more detailed list of functions and examples check: https://github.com/PeerAssets/pacli/blob/master/README.md

  • halp (list all the functions)

pacli – --help

  • all operations by address command

pacli address – --help

  • all operations by the deck command

pacli deck – --help

  • all operations by the transaction command

pacli transaction – --help

  • listing decks, deck info


  • spawning a deck


  • listing cards


  • balances


  • sending cards



You can get testnet ppc from this faucet: https://faucet.peercoinexplorer.net/

pacli address show

Paste address here, I’ll send some peercointalk.net asset (id:adc6d888508ebfcad5c182df4ae94553bae6287735d76b8d64b3de8d29fc2b5b).
Let’s do some transfers.


Very quick :thumbsup: But when .exe version ? :slight_smile:

I’ll try to provide exe for the next version. Also web wallet is coming soon.

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