Storj: Secure, Trustless, Decentralized Storage (Super3's Project)

Have you guys seen what Super3 has been working on? It sounds amazing! I captured this off the PeercoinTalk chat…

JetJet13: hey guys is super3 behind this?

Sentinelrv: Yeah, he posted about it in chat the other day.

super3: yup, what do you want to know about storj?

masterOfDisaster: storj: “Bitcoin is the largest computing network in the world. Why just use that for money? So, we built a decentralized storage with the same technology.” it is beyond my imagination how you can utilize a distributed blockchain for stroring data. can you give me a hint?

masterOfDisaster: it looks fascinating (trustless, secure, open source), but i lack the understanding :frowning:

super3: well datacoin tried and failed to do that

super3: the blockchain is not a very good store of data

super3: but it is an excellent store of metadata

super3: so essentially i can tell you where I stored the file, and then you can go retrieve it

super3: so i can store the physical file anywhere and on any network, and the blockchain just helps me keep track of it all

masterOfDisaster: ah, so the idea is to use the block chain as a kind of distributed bookmarking system. clever! and together with the client that stores the encrypted information in the block chain you find your stuff?

super3: yes

super3: but no actually data is stored in the blockchain

super3: just information about the file (metadata)

masterOfDisaster: by “encrypted information” i mean the information to retrieve the enrypted data in the block chain - i bet it is encrypted, otherwise you wouldn’t state storj as “secure” on the web site :wink:

super3: well we have different levels of encryption

masterOfDisaster: my keyboard eats characters - i hope it doesn’t feast on my character^^

super3: web nodes that you just log into a website to use

super3: all the way to full encrypted clients

super3: its almost like using a web wallet all the way to cold storage

super3: but yes, all files are supposed to be encrypted by default


super3: our whitepaper has some info

super3: the blockchain is a public ledger by definition. we simply choose to use it not just for coin balances

masterOfDisaster: ah, i found the link. the text on the page is not very easy to read as it is a bit light. but maybe this only depends on bad settings for my monitor…

masterOfDisaster: mpiaa, riaa (and other villain companies that claim to have the right (which the infused to the law system by tireless lobbying) on their side) will most likely be afraid of the capabilities of such a system. as will all “cloud storage” providers. although i might have chosen a bad tone, i recommend to be careful and take those aspects into calculation…

masterOfDisaster: it was another of Sunny Kings good ideas, to stay anonymous…

Looks pretty cool. I think its success will depend on whether they accept Peercoin as a payment option though :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it is great to use the blockchain technology for this. But agree with MoD there is a very intense lobby going on here. Just look at the recent lawsuits to Mega. That is also fully client side encrypted data storage. They are now trying to break the owner mentally and financially by issuing multiple lawsuits.

The advantage of Storj is that there potentially is no-one to sue, until you start charging for the service through a company. They (mpiaa, riaa) will eat such a company and everything vaguely associated alive.
So its long-term success depends on 100% anonymous payments for such service. Something which is hard to achieve with Bitcoin, Litecoin or Peercoin blockchains. There are some better equipped niche blockchains out there though.

As MoD said, SK had good reasons to stay anonymous. This development is just one of them.

Super3 has already revealed himself though, unless he’s using a fake name. I at least know the person in the photo he uses is really him. I hope he’s really thinking this through.

[quote=“Sentinelrv, post:4, topic:2198”]Super3 has already revealed himself though, unless he’s using a fake name. I at least know the person in the photo he uses is really him. I hope he’s really thinking this through.[/quote]Anonymity would be great, but that is something that I would have to do at the start of the project. Oh well.

Anyways project is coming along and we now have a forum up. I would encourage you guys to join up:

Two questions, please:

Super3 says “so i can store the physical file anywhere and on any network, and the blockchain just helps me keep track of it all”

I don’t understand: what are the “networks” - the web?

Second, how does blockchain storage cause conflict with RIAA (the recording industry)?


[quote=“RobertLloyd, post:6, topic:2198”]Two questions, please:

Super3 says “so i can store the physical file anywhere and on any network, and the blockchain just helps me keep track of it all”

I don’t understand: what are the “networks” - the web?

Second, how does blockchain storage cause conflict with RIAA (the recording industry)?


  1. Yes, the internet
  2. I could share my access/decryption keys with you so you have access to the backup of my DVDs

Legal intimidation and censorship doesn’t work on decentralized networks. So they better launch up RIAA coin and get with the program.

They can’t take the blockchain part down easily, but they can take down the website, forums etc. Would be hard to continue service for long without it. Hope you thought about that as I like your project and am interested in using it to store some data in it and provide some bandwidth/storage back.

they heard you :))

great project!
just a question, does this will be associated with a minable coin? (because i am reading about a blockchain)
will this blockchain be autonomous or it will be working mastercoin-wise?
sorry, too lazy to read the whitepaper :stuck_out_tongue: