Solo mining primecoin with a laptop

Hi all :slight_smile:
I am trying to solo mine primecoins with my laptop cpu intel core i5 with my wallet console. And when i type getmininginfo it says that primespersec : 875, which i dont if it is ok. Is it worth to keep doing this for any coin? I am using the cpu at 100% for 48 hours now and there is still nothing. Is there a micro chance to get something with this speed? And if i encounter something it will be like single block or just one coin or fraction of a coin? Thank you. Wish you luck!


If you are solo mining you’re trying to “solve” complete blocks (this is true for any cryptocurrency I know).
If you want to continue solo mining primecoin you should probably use the high performance client:

imo, you better stop solo mining, join pools. period.
unles you have alot of cpu ;D

Based on your stats in your first post the time to find a block mining solo is 34.74 days and your monthly turnout 8.72 XPM.

Go pool mining. Join IRC to talk about mining and probabilities. :slight_smile:

BTW my i7 Laptop does 1600 primes/s, so your stats look good.

I had a go at mining solo on my laptop, managed to get 1 block in the first day but it orphaned, and didn’t get any since. Quickly moved onto pools and now I’m actually making a bit. If you can get that many primes/s, you’d be almost guaranteed to get something in a pool

When solo mining, is it normal to see “Pool 0 not providing work fast enough”? I have only ever pool mined before so I can’t tell if I’m doing this wrong. I’ve been running this for 12-18 hours now and not a single block found. Somebody over at btctalk claimed they were getting 2-3 blocks per day solo mining at 180GH, I’m beginning to think he was just trolling.


This is my .conf

listen=1 upnp=1 server=1 rpcuser=name rpcpassword=pass rpcallowip= rpcallowip=192.168.1.* rpcport=9902 gen=0 reservebalance=10000

Should I have daemon=1 included? Not sure what that does. And until I solve a block, I’m not sure if having a reservebalance is wise or not. I don’t want to wait for 500 blocks to be able to use my coins…as I understand the proof of stake thing?

Clearly a noob here. Any help is appreciated.

edit: bah, discovered I’m in the xpm section, not the ppc section.


I think you want to be mining PeerCoin and Not PrimeCoin with that KNC miner


does anybody know how long it may take to find a block with this?

“blocks” : 258705,
“chainspermin” : 7,
“chainsperday” : 0.40343851,
“currentblocksize” : 1588,
“currentblocktx” : 2,
“difficulty” : 9.97662932,
“errors” : “”,
“generate” : true,
“genproclimit” : 2,
“primespersec” : 914,
“pooledtx” : 5,
“sieveextensions” : 9,
“sievepercentage” : 7,
“sievesize” : 1000000,
“testnet” : false


posted on another thread, go to to check :slight_smile:

this doesnt seem real. I should gain 40 dollars per day according to this calculator…

According to the calculator: your “chainsperday” is 0.40343851, you will find a block every 110.99 days which is about .07 USD.

What is the beat way to mine more coins? More pc’s? Asic chips??

Also what is the difference between primecoin and peer coin?

Currently no ASIC’s (publicly) exist for primecoin. Its not as simple as BTC. BTC is just 2 SHA256 functions on a specific string
More PC’s = more chains a day. Not even a fully working GPU miner exists.

Primecoin uses prime number chains as proof of work

Im getting ~2.7 chains perday from my i7-3770 (non-k version not overclocked, standard Air Cooled)
I think stick to pooled mining.

[quote=“Proccc32, post:8, topic:519”]Hi,

does anybody know how long it may take to find a block with this?

“blocks” : 258705,
“chainspermin” : 7,
“chainsperday” : 0.40343851,
“currentblocksize” : 1588,
“currentblocktx” : 2,
“difficulty” : 9.97662932,
“errors” : “”,
“generate” : true,
“genproclimit” : 2,
“primespersec” : 914,
“pooledtx” : 5,
“sieveextensions” : 9,
“sievepercentage” : 7,
“sievesize” : 1000000,
“testnet” : false

WHERE CAN I FIND THIS S INFO??? CHAINS PER DAY??? I’m using i5 3230m 2.6 GHz windows 8

hi guys!
I have a problem and I know it’s not about here.
but i cant open a new subject.

I forgot my primecoin wallet password,can i Restore it or maybe to talk with some 1 who can help me in this case?

btw sorry for my english

never mind I found it. sadly disappointing rate for me and I am pool mining(0.027 chains a day) have a acer core i5 3230m 2.6nghz turbo boost up to 3.2ghz