Sendmany from command line ppcoind bitcoind primecoind etc etc

Using the RPC call ‘sendmany’ to bitcoind, ppcoind, primecoind, etc etc saves a great deal of transaction cost when sending multiple payments. This is especially useful for faucets, pools, and giveaway threads.

Here is a quick heads up that Linux syntax for sendmany is NOT the same as the syntax for windows. To save you the pain and time I went though to figure this out here are the two different versions.

NOTE - To determine the “walletaccountname” that has enough balance to send coins, use the RPC command ‘listaccounts’

Linux - bash
**single quotes outside the json, double quotes for each recipient

ppcoind sendmany “walletaccountname” ‘{“addr1”:#coin,“addr2”:#coin,“addr3”:#coin…}’

EG -
ppcoind sendmany “walletaccountname” ‘{“PD8iRe2jmTfUuiZnyEZAV2LPHExscmNHjo”:10.25,“PLGtKttZAfu1wrJ7Z3NKY62z2QJ63aVFmc”:5.75,“P9xMHRu1NKgcQXPTsZhLVSpkzepuZwQgVr”:0.2534}’

Windows - cmd (command line)
**no quotes outside the json, three double quotes for each recipient

ppcoind sendmany “walletaccountname” {""“addr1"”":#coin,""“addr2"”":#coin,"“addr3"”:#coin…}

EG -
ppcoind sendmany “walletaccountname” {""“PD8iRe2jmTfUuiZnyEZAV2LPHExscmNHjo”"":10.25,""“PLGtKttZAfu1wrJ7Z3NKY62z2QJ63aVFmc”"":5.75,""“P9xMHRu1NKgcQXPTsZhLVSpkzepuZwQgVr”"":0.2534}


How do you know how much to settxfee?