Quick Emails - Add PPC

It doesn’t hurt to remind businesses PPC is not only innovative, but the third largest coin market cap. I dropped a quick email to the following businesses:

  1. MT. Gox
  2. Coinbase
  3. BIPS
  4. Bitstamp
  5. Bitpay
  6. Second Market

If you have a chance, feel free to do the same.

  1. MT. Gox

<October 8> - Generic reply

  1. Coinbase

<October 10> - Generic reply

  1. BIPS

<October 8> - Offered suggestion

  1. Bitstamp

<October 8> - Not looking to add any alt currencies in the future

  1. Bitpay

<October 10> I sent some possible solutions (similar to the BIPS discussion). It looks like this was passed on to the dev team, I will follow-up again in the next 2 weeks.

  1. Second Market

Nice work, it might be worth looking at the list of merchants that currently accepts Bitcoin or Litecoin and contacting them.

Thanks! The biggest challenge with merchants is the payment processor hurdle, I fought this on a daily basis for months with FTC. To convert existing LTC vendors is much easier since it’s in a similar boat as PPC. Bitcoin merchants seemed open until they realized they couldn’t use Bitpay for the back-end.

I already have form letters to request merchants to accept an alternate currency. If someone wants to lead the charge, I’d be able to provide support. I agree with you 100%, merchants is the key to PPC/XPM growth.