Ppcoind keeps stopping on ubuntu server

so i have it running on a digital ocean VPS. ubuntu 14.04
and the daemon just quits after a while …
i dont’ know how long it persists . i havent been paying enough attention. (but i just re-started it just now :slight_smile:

its been doing it for a few weeks. i dont really check very often.

this is the tail end of my debug.log. i cant see anything odd.
(also the debug.log seems to be truncated as it doesnt show the daemon starting up)

2015-07-31 16:05:13 UTC Flushing wallet.dat
Flushed wallet.dat 14ms
getblocks -1 to 00000000000000000000 limit 500
askfor block d980b79515cde246c11f 0
sending getdata: block d980b79515cde246c11f
askfor block d980b79515cde246c11f 1438358756000000
askfor block d980b79515cde246c11f 1438358876000000
received block d980b79515cde246c11f
SetBestChain: new best=d980b79515cde246c11f height=187583 trust=623042133897219$
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
2015-07-31 16:06:01 UTC Flushing wallet.dat
Flushed wallet.dat 26ms
accepted connection
Added time data, samples 22, offset -2 (+0 minutes)
version message: version 60004, blocks=187577
getblocks 187578 to 0000000000000007b015 limit 500
getblocks stopping at 187581 0000000000000007b015 (15787 bytes)
received getdata for: block 0000000000000007b015
received getdata for: block abd7d90574b4d37dd24c
received getdata for: block 394ff33b41f813886db2
received getdata for: block 7c1f7b88d73c41007d3a
received getdata for: block d980b79515cde246c11f
getblocks 187578 to abd7d90574b4d37dd24c limit 500
getblocks stopping at 187580 abd7d90574b4d37dd24c (8669 bytes)
getblocks 187582 to d980b79515cde246c11f limit 500
getblocks stopping at 187583 d980b79515cde246c11f (1822 bytes)
received getdata for: block c6c8dca1c61575383f9e
getblocks 187583 to 00000000000000000000 limit 500
addr.dat refcount=0
ThreadSocketHandler exiting
ThreadMessageHandler exiting
ThreadStakeMinter exiting, 0 threads remaining
addr.dat checkpoint
addr.dat closed
blkindex.dat refcount=0
blkindex.dat checkpoint
blkindex.dat closed
ThreadOpenConnections exiting
addr.dat refcount=0
addr.dat checkpoint
addr.dat closed
PPCoin exiting

Is this a virtual server? Maybe your provider has the process black listed because it looks to me, that it quits quite gracefully.

i’m running a bunch of other daemons on teh same vps. and have done on digital ocean for quite a while.
be curious i guess if they chose to target ppc. lol

so the daemon has quit again. this time it seems the full debug.log is there.

i figure it got online from when the chain was at height
version message: version 60004, blocks=187677 (Time: 2015-08-01 05:00:01 )

and last accepted block was
SetBestChain: new best=000000000000000d934b height=187688 trust=6235897709732676 $
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED (Time: 2015-08-01 07:10:40)

it really didnt seem to last very long :stuck_out_tongue:

beginning // and // ending

PPCoin version v0.4.0ppc-21-g650ea5f-beta (2015-04-28 01:12:03 +0100)
Default data directory /root/.ppcoin
Loading addresses…
dbenv.open LogDir=/root/.ppcoin/database ErrorFile=/root/.ppcoin/db.log
Loaded 11845 addresses
addresses 581ms
Loading block index…
PPCoin Network: genesis=0x0000000032fe677166d5 nBitsLimit=0x1d00ffff nBitsInitial=0$
LoadBlockIndex(): hashBestChain=d980b79515cde246c11f height=187583 trust=62304213$
LoadBlockIndex(): synchronized checkpoint 0000000000000007b015cf1851dc18e8ef9c3ac70$
Verifying last 2500 blocks at level 1
Upgrade Info: v0.4+ no txdb upgrade detected.
block index 68184ms
Loading wallet…
nFileVersion = 60300
wallet 153ms
Done loading
mapBlockIndex.size() = 187587
nBestHeight = 187583
setKeyPool.size() = 102
mapWallet.size() = 3
mapAddressBook.size() = 2
Bound to port 9901
ThreadRPCServer started
ipv4 eth0:
addrLocalHost =
IRC seeding/communication disabled
ThreadSocketHandler started
ThreadOpenAddedConnections started
ThreadOpenAddedConnections exiting
ThreadDNSAddressSeed started
Loading addresses from DNS seeds (could take a while)
ThreadStakeMinter started
CPUMiner started for proof-of-stake
ThreadMessageHandler started
ThreadOpenConnections started
trying connection lastseen=-14.5hrs
Added 1 addresses from 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0: 380 tried, 11466 new
GetMyExternalIP() received []
GetMyExternalIP() returned
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=-29.8hrs
Added time data, samples 2, offset +36 (+0 minutes)
trying connection lastseen=-20.4hrs
keypool reserve 2
version message: version 60004, blocks=187677
ProcessSyncCheckpoint: pending for sync-checkpoint fd22f0caeb5cdfcd0c3dfa52378ee8ed$
askfor block fd22f0caeb5cdfcd0c3d 0
sending getdata: block fd22f0caeb5cdfcd0c3d
askfor block 499b29e2721da0018284 0
askfor block 000000000000000d47e4 0
askfor block 7c43c51773f5ce862e8a 0
askfor block d5562c3c1105f8216bfb 0
askfor block eaba97c99cbbff4ea20e 0
askfor block 0b217fc3c380a3388971 0
askfor block 451c0294085dad75e8d8 0
askfor block 046030c227eec3784ad3 0

lot of stuff.
getting blocks.
processing sync points. etc.

askfor block 96bcab5a59d21d718692 0
sending getdata: block 96bcab5a59d21d718692
received block 96bcab5a59d21d718692
SetBestChain: new best=96bcab5a59d21d718692 height=187687 trust=6235897709732675 $
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
2015-08-01 07:07:45 UTC Flushing wallet.dat
Flushed wallet.dat 19ms
received getdata for: block 18595d61cb76583a0be3
socket recv error 113
disconnecting node
askfor block 000000000000000d934b 0
sending getdata: block 000000000000000d934b
askfor block 000000000000000d934b 1438413069000000
askfor block 000000000000000d934b 1438413189000000
askfor block 000000000000000d934b 1438413309000000
askfor block 000000000000000d934b 1438413429000000
received block 000000000000000d934b
SetBestChain: new best=000000000000000d934b height=187688 trust=6235897709732676 $
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
ProcessSyncCheckpoint: sync-checkpoint at 000000000000000d934bf66d45bd010ebed5a68c7$
getblocks 114730 to 000000000000000d934b limit 765
getblocks stopping at limit 115494 91b5daccf073ec700b4b (1112861 bytes)
2015-08-01 07:11:14 UTC Flushing wallet.dat
Flushed wallet.dat 38ms
accepted connection
version message: version 60004, blocks=163997
socket closed
disconnecting node
askfor tx 2b7777622551a8c5e2cd 0
sending getdata: tx 2b7777622551a8c5e2cd
askfor tx 2b7777622551a8c5e2cd 1438413535000000
addUnchecked(): size 0
CTxMemPool::accept() : accepted 2b77776225
Added 1 addresses from 386 tried, 10556 new
accepted connection
askfor tx b8e3dc789e514113e945 0
sending getdata: tx b8e3dc789e514113e945
addUnchecked(): size 1
CTxMemPool::accept() : accepted b8e3dc789e
Added time data, samples 23, offset -7 (+0 minutes)
nTimeOffset = -1 (+0 minutes)
version message: version 60012, blocks=187685
received getdata for: tx b8e3dc789e514113e945
socket closed
disconnecting node
addr.dat refcount=0
ThreadSocketHandler exiting
ThreadMessageHandler exiting
addr.dat checkpoint
addr.dat closed
blkindex.dat refcount=0
blkindex.dat checkpoint
blkindex.dat closed
ThreadOpenConnections exiting
ThreadStakeMinter exiting, 0 threads remaining
addr.dat refcount=0
addr.dat checkpoint
addr.dat closed
PPCoin exiting

I guess any daemon for a POW coin is a possible threat to their CPUs. Maybe you ask DigitalOcean?