PPC: Problem with blockchain explorer?

Hello to everybody. Recently, I encountered this issue: I had two amounts of PPC in my wallet: 5.009 and 14.5227. I sent 12.5317 to my Cryptsy account and now the blockchain explorer is telling me, that in this transaction, I sent the rest (1.981) to some unknown address (P9k7tzsDvznL58ni74rcKEopRCsCrHSqY9) and that my current account balance is 5.009, instead of 6.99. My peercoin-qt wallet thinks I have 6.99, which should be the right amount. Is it a problem with the blockchain explorer, or have I been robbed by someone? How do I find out?

My wallet in the blockchain explore: http://ppc.cryptocoinexplorer.com/address/PUUwm1V39qBpYDUU3AawY4Ae8ReBt4XExR

The troubling transaction: http://ppc.cryptocoinexplorer.com/tx/1fc11234dc79ad32564d92c72c9fe4b4951febc46485902c44c842f77f3e3a17

Screenshot with the peercoin wallet working all right:

Thank you for any information!

your unknown address is your change address, it shows up if you run ppcoind listaddresses

i think

Thanks, but there is no such command. Info about my wallet version:

ppcoind getinfo
“version” : “v0.3.0ppc-beta”,
“protocolversion” : 60003,
“walletversion” : 60000,
“balance” : 6.99000000,
“newmint” : 0.00000000,
“stake” : 0.00000000,
“blocks” : 85352,
“moneysupply” : 20906302.78010400,
“connections” : 13,
“proxy” : “”,
“ip” : “…”,
“difficulty” : 26352879.78908010,
“testnet” : false,
“keypoololdest” : 1385385729,
“keypoolsize” : 101,
“paytxfee” : 0.00000000,
“unlocked_until” : 0,
“errors” : “Info: Minting suspended due to locked wallet.”

List of available commands:

ppcoind help
addmultisigaddress <‘[“key”,“key”]’> [account]
getbalance [account] [minconf=1]
getblock [txinfo]
getmemorypool [data]
getnewaddress [account]
getreceivedbyaccount [minconf=1]
getreceivedbyaddress [minconf=1]
getwork [data]
help [command]
importprivkey [label]
listaccounts [minconf=1]
listreceivedbyaccount [minconf=1] [includeempty=false]
listreceivedbyaddress [minconf=1] [includeempty=false]
listsinceblock [blockhash] [target-confirmations]
listtransactions [account] [count=10] [from=0]
makekeypair [prefix]
move [minconf=1] [comment]
reservebalance [ [amount]]
sendalert [cancelupto]
sendfrom [minconf=1] [comment] [comment-to]
sendmany {address:amount,…} [minconf=1] [comment]
sendtoaddress [comment] [comment-to]
setgenerate [genproclimit]
walletpassphrase [mintonly]

I tried:
ppcoind listtransactions
“account” : “hlavni”,
“address” : “PUUwm1V39qBpYDUU3AawY4Ae8ReBt4XExR”,
“category” : “receive”,
“amount” : 3.51575400,
“confirmations” : 3221,
“blockhash” : “ab9fe65ebffcabbd23b71d6a3021863bab4b52ef686c17aa78e84e0b963217db”,
“blockindex” : 2,
“txid” : “eb2b17c7dcf74900186e0cf5e02c05437b54b2341ef688f4eb323a4f100f0119”,
“time” : 1385386219,
“comment” : “”,
“from” : “”,
“message” : “”,
“to” : “”
“account” : “”,
“address” : “PQig16GFvriwrLNJychomfQVRLiNzqh95y”,
“category” : “send”,
“amount” : -3.50575400,
“fee” : -0.01000000,
“confirmations” : 3016,
“blockhash” : “cf3167ece4d943e940da1c7ab73e82b69820b78ecfd4a4b5d0552829960f31e1”,
“blockindex” : 18,
“txid” : “cb8a13f0920ea04457b0d1260788d948aafc4d2d0965cebfe31fc09f31d7bde4”,
“time” : 1386146135
“account” : “hlavni”,
“address” : “PUUwm1V39qBpYDUU3AawY4Ae8ReBt4XExR”,
“category” : “receive”,
“amount” : 5.00900000,
“confirmations” : 1430,
“blockhash” : “b5d82aad19c19ce54bdf1a00665552021674461661a8e2f0760ff75c099b60db”,
“blockindex” : 5,
“txid” : “768d6fcc15a86715fbcb246d39677673761dceb708f3cdce222c36a3189e3a3c”,
“time” : 1386152500
“account” : “hlavni”,
“address” : “PUUwm1V39qBpYDUU3AawY4Ae8ReBt4XExR”,
“category” : “receive”,
“amount” : 14.52270000,
“confirmations” : 101,
“blockhash” : “8b0d41fad5034cb11c7ef7e7a6c7f511dc1f8bd927955d3cf6e6cdf0804a46c0”,
“blockindex” : 38,
“txid” : “219c5cfb9c797e9bb5d8d61e3635c5bb08b410551042e7dece4f9ae206a1cee3”,
“time” : 1386839789
“account” : “”,
“address” : “PTwNokk9EUCSd9eCnva9ZtNSeM9fFHgwWx”,
“category” : “send”,
“amount” : -12.53170000,
“fee” : -0.01000000,
“confirmations” : 25,
“blockhash” : “48aa842e9f4faeba83be6b75d341553185119f737715a5a95e2bb2ccb2491b0b”,
“blockindex” : 7,
“txid” : “1fc11234dc79ad32564d92c72c9fe4b4951febc46485902c44c842f77f3e3a17”,
“time” : 1386840918,
“comment” : “”,
“from” : “”,
“message” : “”,
“to” : “”

Here, the address PUUwm1V39qBpYDUU3AawY4Ae8ReBt4XExR is mine, and the addresses PQig16GFvriwrLNJychomfQVRLiNzqh95y and PTwNokk9EUCSd9eCnva9ZtNSeM9fFHgwWx belong to my coinEx and Cryptsy accounts. No signs of P9k7tzsDvznL58ni74rcKEopRCsCrHSqY9 here. Maybe I can get the address by other command?

I tried checking my ppc deposit address on btc-e and noticed the total was wrong also, but when I signed in the money was there. I think the money might be transferred to other holding wallets until you’re ready to withdraw, but I’m not 100% certain.

[quote=“Sentinelrv, post:4, topic:1136”]I tried checking my ppc deposit address on btc-e and noticed the total was wrong also, but when I signed in the money was there. I think the money might be transferred to other holding wallets until you’re ready to withdraw, but I’m not 100% certain.[/quote]I sent 12.5317 to Cryptsy and they received exactly that. My question is about the 1.981 I did not send anywhere, but which according to the blockchain explorer ended up in unknown address P9k7tzsDvznL58ni74rcKEopRCsCrHSqY9. (My client doesn’t report this amount as missing, only the blockchain explorer does. So maybe everything is OK, I just wonder where this inconsistency comes from…)

maybe it shows up with listunspent

listunspent also does not work. Are there some commands that are not listed in the help menu? (See my previous post.)

ok try listreceivedbyaddress 0 true

Interestingly, if I ask my client about the transaction, there is no value 1.981 nor address P9k7tzsDvznL58ni74rcKEopRCsCrHSqY9, unlike in the blockchain explorer:

ppcoind gettransaction 1fc11234dc79ad32564d92c72c9fe4b4951febc46485902c44c842f77f3e3a17
“amount” : -12.53170000,
“fee” : -0.01000000,
“confirmations” : 28,
“blockhash” : “48aa842e9f4faeba83be6b75d341553185119f737715a5a95e2bb2ccb2491b0b”,
“blockindex” : 7,
“txid” : “1fc11234dc79ad32564d92c72c9fe4b4951febc46485902c44c842f77f3e3a17”,
“time” : 1386840918,
“details” : [
“account” : “”,
“address” : “PTwNokk9EUCSd9eCnva9ZtNSeM9fFHgwWx”,
“category” : “send”,
“amount” : -12.53170000,
“fee” : -0.01000000

Thanks. It gives me only the Cryptsy, coinEx and mine addresses:

ppcoind listreceivedbyaddress 0 true
“address” : “PQig16GFvriwrLNJychomfQVRLiNzqh95y”,
“account” : “coinEx”,
“amount” : 0.00000000,
“confirmations” : 0
“address” : “PTwNokk9EUCSd9eCnva9ZtNSeM9fFHgwWx”,
“account” : “Cryptsy”,
“amount” : 0.00000000,
“confirmations” : 0
“address” : “PUUwm1V39qBpYDUU3AawY4Ae8ReBt4XExR”,
“account” : “hlavni”,
“amount” : 23.04745400,
“confirmations” : 105

The mysterious P9k7tzsDvznL58ni74rcKEopRCsCrHSqY9 is not among them.

I believe that listreceivedbyaddress 0 true does not list the change addresses that are created as part of the normal client operation.

Right now I can not find how to show that it is your address, sorry, maybe someone else can help. I would like to know this too :slight_smile:

What you are saying is your wallet on cryptocoinexplorer, is only an address in your wallet, not the entire wallet. Your wallet contains many addresses.

The most straightforward scenario is that the address is one of the “change” addresses spun up by the client, behind the scenes. The reason this makes the most sense to me is that PPCoin-Qt currently displays the amount you expect to have in your wallet. If it was the reversed situation, I would be looking at something being wrong, but in this case I expect it has more to do with what you have the ability to query via the daemon’s v0.3.0 API.

I’ll dig into my wallet this morning to see if I can uncover a similar set of “blank account” addresses.

What do you see if you run this command?

[font=courier]ppcoind listtransactions[/font]

Try running this command:

ppcoind validateaddress P9k7tzsDvznL58ni74rcKEopRCsCrHSqY9

Mine says:

“ismine” : false

I’m wondering if yours says:

“ismine” : true

[quote=“ppcman, post:14, topic:1136”]Try running this command:

ppcoind validateaddress P9k7tzsDvznL58ni74rcKEopRCsCrHSqY9

Mine says:

“ismine” : false

I’m wondering if yours says:

“ismine” : true[/quote]

You are right, this solves the problem:

ppcoind validateaddress P9k7tzsDvznL58ni74rcKEopRCsCrHSqY9
“isvalid” : true,
“address” : “P9k7tzsDvznL58ni74rcKEopRCsCrHSqY9”,
“ismine” : true,
“pubkey” : “029c2b1d252aca6d9056155739cf809ea2e85602e14aefed28edce3022231099d9”,
“iscompressed” : true

Thanks a lot to everybody!

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