Peerunity (v0.1.0) Released for Windows, Linux & OS X

For those who wonder about the new -walletnotify feature:

This can be used to trigger events on your computer when a transaction arrive. E.g. send an email, log an entry into a file or play the sound of an old cash register.

If you like to play with it, here is Bitcoin thread with some examples on how to this:
It works similar as Bitcoin -walletnotify as far as I understand, so there might be more ready made examples out there.

Have fun!

The updated OSX dmg was tested and the new version works. If anyone runs into crashing issues with the binary that is on Github, after this point, please let me know immediately.

better give it a new sub version number e.g.

There’s no difference, actually. It was the build process, not the code that was used to build it.

OK. oh, I think the readme.txt in the zip file should say something about what to do with existing standard wallet. Should it be uninstalled? Can Peerunity exist in parallel? What happens to the ppcoin wallet installation when setup is run? Should the ppcoin.conf of existing installtion be copied over to peerunity directory? Anyway because I don’t know the answer so far I have not run the setup. I only use the peerunity(d) binaries with a bat file

path\peerunity --conf=path\peerunity.conf -datadir=path
where path is a custom directory.

may I ask in the security issue for minitng has been fixed, if there was an issue somemthing to do with rpc or something?

I was to be addressed in 0.4 but has been pushed back to 0.5 I think

[quote=“jubalix, post:26, topic:2455”]may I ask in the security issue for minitng has been fixed, if there was an issue somemthing to do with rpc or something?

I was to be addressed in 0.4 but has been pushed back to 0.5 I think[/quote]

If you are referencing this issue (PPCoin: Fix unlocked for block minting mode with qt gui send coins ), it has been fixed in the Peercoin reference codebase since January. Peerunity was forked after that point, so it is also up to date.

I can verify that it’s working on OSX 10.9.3. Thanks a lot!

I got the Linux build installed from, with no issues at all. Congrats to the dev team – nice release! Looking forward to v0.2.

EDIT: Thank you, Cybnate, for the 0.2 PPC to help test out the client!

Just got the Windows version installed beside the official client.

Make sure you add the datadir path if you want to install both: e.g. F:\AppData\Roaming\Peerunity\peerunity.exe -datadir=f:\appdata\roaming\Peerunity
So both the peerunity executable, the wallet.dat (backup of my original wallet.dat) and the blockchain files are all in the same directory in my case.

[s]I couldn’t find anything related to coin control though. Can someone elaborate how to use that (command)? Or is it only prepared for coin control and do we have to wait till v0.2 :-[/s]

Edit: Ok Yurizhai just pointed out in chat. It is under Settings- Options - Display. Tick the box and it will enable the option when you try to send coins. However it is not clear how you would know the coinage of each address. Does priority has something to do with that?

[quote=“Chronos, post:29, topic:2455”]I got the Linux build installed from, with no issues at all. Congrats to the dev team – nice release! Looking forward to v0.2.

I’d like to test out more of the functionality, but I sold all my Peercoin when the price was tanking. I know this is probably against the forum rules, but could someone send me a tiny amount of PPC so I can try out send/receive? 0.5 or even 0.1 PPC would be plenty. The address in the client is PT4cMYd1j9i2nn92NsRC8FcdvqDxxANRwr.

Rule 1: One should never sell all thy Peercoins!

You are lucky as I have to test my coin control. So 0.2 PPC underway.

Coin control works nicely, can even define my change address. Nice work.

Version for android/ios are on schedule?
Also a question. If i setup a peerunity node with no ppc inside
i guess i won’t contribute in pos minting but only in destributing the blockchain?

[quote=“seki, post:32, topic:2455”]Version for android/ios are on schedule?
Also a question. If i setup a peerunity node with no ppc inside
i guess i won’t contribute in pos minting but only in destributing the blockchain?[/quote]
No, that is right. Best to setup a node if you want to contribute to the network. Just running an empty wallet would not contribute to the network.
You can find a lot of information on running nodes in the Raspberry threads:

There is an archlinux version made (look for Peerbox project), which might be able to run on some Android phones, but only for the real geeks and Linux gurus.
But no Android with nice GUI underway. IOS is a total no-no as Apple refuses apps able to send and receive coins.

Edit: you can run electrum style wallet on your mobile though. Check out Please don’t use with many coins as it is still a bit experimental. I had no issues for weeks though and used it for some small payments.

Apple has recently changed their stance on digital currencies. they’re now approving many of the coin related apps that they banned, so maybe one for Apple could be built now as well.

Just running an empty wallet would not contribute to the network.

This statement strikes me as a little too extreme. I think there is definitely some value to an additional honest node on the network even if it is not currently trying to mint a block. Maybe I’m misunderstanding?

the contribution is like a BTC wallet, just to distribute the blockchain. however this is not a useless node
but the optimal ppc node should have some peercoins inside, lets say 1 ppc is enough?

[quote=“learnmore, post:35, topic:2455”]

Just running an empty wallet would not contribute to the network.

This statement strikes me as a little too extreme. I think there is definitely some value to an additional honest node on the network even if it is not currently trying to mint a block. Maybe I’m misunderstanding?[/quote]

I wrote something silimar to what you think but later deleted it. The problem is that minting at no cost is a security no-no. An attacker could setup many such empty node and dominate new blocks (it practically will become POW), then use his blocks to double spend etc. To maintain the block chain some spendable has to be consumed. If you want to support the network regardlesss of return, mint with a minimal stake(at least 10PPCs I remember).

An attacker could setup many such empty nodes and dominate new blocks

Well this seems exactly to be the reason why having more honest nodes running is beneficial, no?

Also, as I’ve been questioning recently on other threads, I’m not really sure a 10 PPC stake has much of a chance of minting a block. Perhaps with great luck over a very long period of time (and without accidentally pulling from a staked output in a new transaction) the micro stakeholder may mint a block; however what’s important from a blockchain security standpoint is that he/she has been running a node in the meantime waiting for this block. The active node is what is important (whether empty or not). The coinstake reward is simply the incentive to run said node.

All you really need for security are 30246=4320 honest and significantly large enough stakes per 30 day period. In fact, if only small stakes are minting (say 10 PPC as you recommend) it is actually much easier for the attacker in your example to dominate the the blockchain with a series of small coinstakes. The challenge at hand seems to be finding the best solution that encourages large stakeholders to mint more regularly.

[quote=“learnmore, post:38, topic:2455”]

An attacker could setup many such empty nodes and dominate new blocks

Well this seems exactly to be the reason why having more honest nodes running is beneficial, no?[/quote]

Having not enough honest minter is a tiny problem compared with openning a door to attackers.

I'm not really sure a 10 PPC stake has a much consequential contribution to security in the long run.

10PPC minters won’t find many blocks today but they will stop the network from coming to a hault due to lack of participation. Do you realize there are only a couple of hundred active minters on the entir PPC network? If a bug/scare makes people think they could lose coins from their online wallets, most minters will shutdown their wallets with any significant fund in it. The small minters will keep the network running.

The challenge at hand seems to be finding the best solution that encourages large stakeholders to mint more regularly.

Minting with an empty wallet is not a solution. Minting with small stakes helps on a different problem as described above.

OK, I see your point and appreciate the explanation. A small stake is better than none. I just hope we never reach that apocalyptic scenario because a prepared attacker could virtually write their own series of blocks with a relatively small amount of aged coins!