Peerunity - a wallet and client supporting both Peercoin and Peershares

I don’t know the answers to these questions, since I’m not a developer either. We would need somebody to clarify what needs to be done before this is possible.

We already use QT and QT already accepts stylesheets. We can easily load a custom stylesheet and you can even try your own without rebuilding the software.

Just create a peerunity.qss file and run peerunity like this:

peerunity -stylesheet=peerunity.qss

I tried with an ugly example and it works:

QToolButton {
  background-color: lightgreen;

Once you’ve a stylesheet ready we can include it in peerunity and load it at startup without the command line.

Source: c++ - How could Qt apply style from an external Qt Stylesheet file? - Stack Overflow

Great, it looks like that everyone with good HTML/stylesheet knowledge can pull this off. People who have build websites before would know how to do this.

So back to the question what would be a good prize? I’m hesitating to guess as Jordan is in charge on this one by owning the funds available for the peerunity wallet.

But maybe total 100 PPC, 60 PPC for 1st, 30 PPC for second and 10 PPC for third? Or too much?

That sounds like too little to me. I just want to make a note also that if we get the competition details figured out in time, I can include it in my volunpeer swarm email on Monday. If not, I’ll have to wait until next week.

At present we are having problems with the OS X builds for Peerunity, Peershares and the 0.4 Peercoin client (from the PPCoin repository). We believe the same problem is presenting itself in these different products, so solving the problem for Peerunity will provide an easy solution for the Peershares and Peercoin client as well.

Due to the generosity of Peer4Commit donors, I am pleased to be able to offer a 200 PPC bounty for creation of Peerunity and Peershares OS X builds. 100 PPC will be paid for the Peerunity commits and 100 PPC will be paid for the Peershares commits. It is important that you also make a pull request against the PPCoin repository with the fix. Peer4Commit will be the mechanism for distributing the bounty. You will need to make at least two commits to each repository to make a tip of that size possible. Time is of the essence because of the mandatory Peercoin 0.4 upgrade on May 4th.

This is yet another example of how Peerunity, Peershares and Peercoin create a synergy. Problems solved and enhancements created in one product can easily be moved to the others with almost no additional cost.

Ben is the expert on the state of the OS X build and understands the nature of the problem much better than I do. Ben, will you create a GitHub issue explaining what you know about the situation that might benefit those seeking to collect the 200 PPC bounty?

Please spread the word about this bounty.

Please let me know if you have any questions at all about the bounty, or the current state of the attempts to build the software. I’ve included a personally-paid added bounty for build instructions for both MacPorts and Homebrew (the initial bounty is for instructions that cover either MacPorts or Homebrew).

[quote=“Ben, post:126, topic:2203”]

Please let me know if you have any questions at all about the bounty, or the current state of the attempts to build the software. I’ve included a personally-paid added bounty for build instructions for both MacPorts and Homebrew (the initial bounty is for instructions that cover either MacPorts or Homebrew).[/quote]
Did you already ask for help on ? If not, you might try and mention the bounty over there. Also creates some visibility of Peercoin in Mac community.

[quote=“Cybnate, post:123, topic:2203”]Great, it looks like that everyone with good HTML/stylesheet knowledge can pull this off. People who have build websites before would know how to do this.

So back to the question what would be a good prize? I’m hesitating to guess as Jordan is in charge on this one by owning the funds available for the peerunity wallet.

But maybe total 100 PPC, 60 PPC for 1st, 30 PPC for second and 10 PPC for third? Or too much?[/quote]

Please do not interpret this as an offer for a bounty or prize. It is a suggestion tossed out for community comment and revision

I was thinking about 100 PPC for 1st place because we will only use one (they can be swapped out like sigmike indicated but this is too cumbersome for an end user). I can see how a second and third prize would prompt broader participation. But smaller prizes may make top talent say it isn’t worth a try.

Another question is duration. This would be slated for the 0.2 release. My guess is a contest length of three weeks would pose zero risk of delaying or complicating the 0.2 release. It is probably plenty of time to attract entrants and have them complete their work. We could go lengthen the contest if people think that would be helpful.

The final question is how to determine a winner. I’m inclined to name Sentinelrv, not as the judge of what is the best entry, but as the judge of what the community consensus is of what is the best entry. There really isn’t a definitive way to gauge community consensus (a poll result can be easily rigged).

Thoughts? Suggestions?

[quote=“Jordan Lee, post:128, topic:2203”]Please do not interpret this as an offer for a bounty or prize. It is a suggestion tossed out for community comment and revision

I was thinking about 100 PPC for 1st place because we will only use one (they can be swapped out like sigmike indicated but this is too cumbersome for an end user). I can see how a second and third prize would prompt broader participation. But smaller prizes may make top talent say it isn’t worth a try.

Another question is duration. This would be slated for the 0.2 release. My guess is a contest length of three weeks would pose zero risk of delaying or complicating the 0.2 release. It is probably plenty of time to attract entrants and have them complete their work. We could go lengthen the contest if people think that would be helpful.

The final question is how to determine a winner. I’m inclined to name Sentinelrv, not as the judge of what is the best entry, but as the judge of what the community consensus is of what is the best entry. There really isn’t a definitive way to gauge community consensus (a poll result can be easily rigged).

Thoughts? Suggestions?[/quote]

I would support Sentinelrv being the lead on selecting the best entry. He’s shown in the past that he can work well with designers and get results.

If other people support his involvement, I might suggest Sentinel utilize 99Designs again. It has contest sections available for website development as well as mobile app development, and it’s possible you might find talented people there. If that site is used, the prize put up does not have to be guaranteed, so that in the event an external designer performs better, no funds will have been wasted.

I just released ~244 PPC via Peer4Commit to glv for the Peerunity commits he provided which feature:

  1. Coin control
  2. Signed message verification
  3. Updated french translation

Thanks glv!

We have a few details left to attend to on the rebranding (which is mostly coded at this point) and then we will be code complete and ready to test all 0.1 features in a single build. When this combined build is released, we will need assistance testing it to bring it to release.

Otherwise, we need to continue the discussion about what features will be included in the 0.2 release.

Update: Here’s the link to the v0.2 requirements discussion.

Great. If the version to be releasd is 0.1, make sure to change the help/about qt to 0.1. IIn Peerunity-rc it was called 0.4.0 and put 0.4.0 in the test report.

Thanks for the reminder, mhps. I’ve added an issue on Github (#29) to track it.

I’m going to continue discussing the style sheet changes here:

Why does the program have to be called peerunity-qt, not just peerunity?
I am fine with the headless program being called peerunityd because it is a daemon.

That’s a good point. I don’t think that there is any requirement of “-Qt”, it had just been convention. We’ll need to confirm that it won’t break any of the integrations, but otherwise, it makes sense.

I don’t mean to be ‘that guy’ but how is development going? I think I remember Peerunity just needed some testing before release?

As you can see from the GitHub commits (Commits · Peerunity/Peerunity · GitHub), code additions/changes have been made nearly every day recently until May 1, the day we became code complete for the first release.

pennybreaker has since created Linux and Windows builds here:

Ben is working with bitpar to produce a OS X build.

These builds need community testing. SirCoinGame has begun testing them and will be paid with Peer4Commit funds for doing so. Community testers should coordinate with SirCoinGame and will also be paid for testing if they make a pull request including a text file placed in the testing folder that describes what tests were performed.

There is a problem with the Windows installer that pennybreaker has been working to fix in recent days.

How quickly this is ready for general release depends on how much support the community gives in testing and refining it.

Thank you Jordan.

[quote=“Jordan Lee, post:138, topic:2203”]pennybreaker has since created Linux and Windows builds here:

There is a problem with the Windows installer that pennybreaker has been working to fix in recent days.[/quote]

Do I get it right that there is/was a problem with Windows installer only so pennybreaker’s build (a zip file packed with ppcoin-qt.exe and ppcoind.exe, without an installer, or a readme to show if the config file should be ppcoin.conf or peerunity.conf) is the official community-test release? It can be tested now or should we wait?

edit: I have just run the version in the zip file, with the config file specified on the command line. In the help->About Peerunity window, the version number is . Shouldn’t this version be called 0.1. (issue #29)? Anyway if the zip file is indeed the first community test release, we should move dicussion to the Peerunity forum.