Peercoin v0.9 (Codename Strider) Released - Hard Fork is June 8th, 2020 - Upgrade Today!

Peercoin v0.9 Released!

We are pleased to announce that after many hard months of work, Peercoin v0.9 (Codename Strider) is complete and a hard fork is planned for Monday, June 8th, 2020 at 12:00:00 UTC. You must upgrade your wallet client before then!


Peercoin release v0.9.0

  • RFC-0019: PoW Block Spacing
  • RFC-0018: PoS Rewards Adjustment
  • RFC-0017: Limit Effective Coinage to One Year
  • RFC-0015: Reduce Time Drift
  • allow staking=0 command to disable minting
  • ability to filter out mint transactions in the QT wallet




Upgrade Instructions

Before installation, make sure to backup your wallet from the main menu.

The v0.9 client can be downloaded from the wallets page of For users upgrading from v0.8, upgrade instructions can also be found on that page.

Additionally, it is recommended that a resync of the blockchain is performed after installation. If you are installing a fresh copy then you donā€™t need to worry about this step. If you are upgrading from v0.8, then you can resync the client by going into your Peercoin installation directory and deleting two folders called blocks and chainstate (nothing else), and then restarting your client to let it resync.

For the minority of users that may have skipped v0.8 and are upgrading from v0.7 or earlier, please check these additional instructions from the previous v0.8 release thread as you will need to go through the additional process of rebuilding your block database. If you need help with installation, leave a comment below.

New v0.9 splash screen:



To stay informed as we get closer to the hard fork date, you can follow the latest Peercoin news on our forums, our Twitter, or Reddit. If you want to come chat or need help, come say hi to our team and community on Telegram/Discord.

Other places to follow us:

Donā€™t forget you can see the latest updates using the Blockfolio and Delta Apps!

Download Link:

Final reminder: The upgrade deadline is planned for June 8th, 2020 at 12:00:00 UTC




For anyone who may be having problems, we have added in this piece to the instructionsā€¦

it needs to be said that all testnet nodes must resync from scratch

great work!

Hi mate I canā€™t believe that You are still here. I can see you really love peercoin but I have to say that peercoin really have let you down.

The only thing that lets me down are people who endlessly complain without putting in any effort. Iā€™m here because I know Peercoin, both as a blockchain and a cryptocurrency, are superior to most of the garbage that is being pushed today. And we will keep improving this network and pushing it forward until it is recognized.


Actually, you havenā€™t been around in a while and probably havenā€™t seen this. Try checking out the 5 part intro series we recently produced with Chronos hereā€¦

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The network has now forked. If you experience any issues, please report them in this thread. If you have not upgraded to v0.9 yet, make sure you do so you are on the correct fork.

first block taking advantage of new pos rewards

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Whats the procedure for upgrading 0.7 on stakebox?

Upgrading from v0.7?


backup wallet.dat and read,39735.html

By far the easiest way to upgrade to Raspbian ā€˜Busterā€™ is todownload andflash it

and read

and place your wallet in .peercoin folder before starting up

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Is there some way I can just upgrade the peercoin client?

This seems like a longer path.