Peercoin Flyer

Hey everyone. I’m making a flyer to print out and post in the city where a lot of people will see them. I’m not a designer so we will see how it turns out first because I don’t want to post anything that looks bad. I did find all the logos though so it shouldn’t be too hard to get something that’s worth posting. Now heres where I need help… I obviously want to inform people about ppc and the benefits, but I still want to keep everything short and simple. What do you think should absolutely be shared about peercoin?

Not sure what to put on it But I help in the design if you need help bounce off what you have

Where did you find the logos? There are some older ones floating around we don’t use anymore. I believe Sunny King uploaded the updated high quality ones on the ppcoin Github page.

I think it is a great idea if our community can develop some good quality flyers that we could post on bulletin boards in our local communities.
Also, sine Peercoin is so much like Gold, maybe we could get some flyers that are informative about this, and pass them out to coin shops, pawn shops etc. If we can get target the Gold Bugs and get them into Peercoin it would be great.

I am not a graphic designer, so id someone can develop these, I would love to be able to have access to where I could print them off or something and talk to people and give them out to people.

Something that highlights the benefits like:

[ul][li]Energy efficicent[/li]
[li]Save our planet with digital mining, no need for physical mining away our natural resources[/li][/ul]

What other things can we highlight?

Yeah I found the high quality ones, thanks though! I started but don’t think I can do a good enough job honestly. I just don’t have enough experience and thought I could just throw some stuff together using the logos and then put the main benefits, the website link, and maybe a qr code might draw a bit more attention. As I said though I don’t have any experience and only have microsoft word to work with :-[ As Alertness just said though, I would for sure print some out and get them out there.

The peercoin slogan discussion thread has some good examples of what someone could write