[PeerAssets challenge] #2 Decode card issue txn (200PPC to win)

We have another winner!

If you post an address, I can transfer the reward.

I’m quite happy with the amount of activity on this contest, thanks guys!
I hope you all like how PeerAssets is coming along.

I consider donating it to PKEEPRnAZCyjC48a4SYH4u4YiPnqt1qoud

Thanks! the amount is transferred from peerscript labs to peerkeeper. (and some UTXO grouping)

Let’s ping @SLKRD to let him know both challenges have been solved and paid by peerscript-labs :wink:

Placing buy order on BTC-E. Will have transfer complete in 24 hrs.

Nice work to the winners!

Ppc sent!

Great! Your contribution is appreciated!

BTW, you don’t own some peercoins?

I travel for work so all my coins get sent to an address in minting. Donations require fiat swap.