New Marketing Strategy

Agreed, which is why it would be good to have something in addition to the word sustainable.

First Democratic, Sustainable Blockchain
First Self-Governing, Sustainable Blockchain (through Stakeholders Engagement) ?

@peerchemist what do you think about adding in a mention about governance? Look at the two that ak82 just posted. The 2nd one would have to end at the word blockchain though, as it can’t be too long.

@Sentinelrv, yes this is quite good.

I need to read it a few more times to see does it catch.

Maybe use ‘and’ instead of a comma

The Sustainable Blockchain for Everyone

I don’t think the marketing needs a radical change, but more refinement. We can start by cleaning up marketing on the main homepage - see the thread I opened:

Even a small improvement in conversion could provide a big boost.

Also, it might be helpful if we all jot down what got us interested in the coin to begin with or someone create a survey using typeform or something. After all, we were all non-users to begin with, whatever got us interested will bring more people.

For me it was:

  1. Energy efficiency - I’m environmentally conscious
  2. Resilient to 51% attacks
  3. 1% inflation - better design for a currency

I agree, I think the 51% attack angle should be pushed more also

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We need something like this for Peercoin.

I’ve been thinking some more about this today as we need to find a solution that sounds nice.

I’m not particularly fond of using the word democratic to describe Peercoin. Even @ak82 said as much before he deleted his reply. To me the word is associated too closely with politics, which is just so negative in today’s world.

I get that the “for everyone” bit at the end is supposed to refer to the governance aspect, however I believe it sounds a little too cheesy and is not clear enough in its meaning.

So I feel we are almost there, but something needs adjusting. I thought of using “First Fair and Sustainable Blockchain,” but I feel the word fair is not clear enough either.

This is closer to what I’m thinking, but it’s still not exactly right. I like using the word governance more than democratic as governance is a crypto buzz word, however self-governance makes it sound like Peercoin is controlled by an AI system, thus it runs and governs itself without need of stakeholders, which of course is incorrect. :robot:

Peercoin is not self-governed. It is governed by its users. That is when I came up with this…

First User-Governed Sustainable Blockchain


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Doesn’t sound good to me when you lead with “First”

I like:

A Fair and Sustainable Blockchain

Or perhaps:

A Fairly-Governed and Sustainable Blockchain

A Balanced and Sustainable Blockchain

Or maybe:

A More Secure, Fair, and Sustainable Blockchain.

Have you read this which was posted above? It’s very important that we include “first” somewhere in the text. Adding “first” in helps make the distinction that Peercoin is not merely another proof of stake network, it literally invented the entire concept.

It doesn’t have to lead. You could lead with “The” instead if it sounds better…

The First User-Governed Sustainable Blockchain

Ah, sorry missed that…

Another option:

The Original User-Governed Sustainable Blockchain

To me, saying “first” sounds like we’re saying that we’re new, which might confuse some people who heard of other copy cats first.

Btw, I think Fair is a simpler synonym for User-Governed

The Original Fair and Sustainable Blockchain

Also we could simplify but retain some of the precedence message in this way:

A User-Governed Sustainable Blockchainsince 2012

A Fair and Sustainable Blockchainsince 2012

Replace dots with spaces

I actually suggested fair and sustainable above, but decided against it, the reason being that it’s not clear and specific enough. Fair can mean anything in people’s minds. They might think we’re talking about distribution instead of governance for example.

This is an interesting way to do it. It shows the age of the chain right in the slogan, so people immediately know it has history and can be trusted.

I’d like to hear feedback not just on this but on all the others listed above.

One of the better ones so far

I guess I might be wrong, as being a stakeholder or owner is not a requirement in order to use the blockchain, so user-governance may not make sense after all. :disappointed:

You must own peercoin to use the chain directly. ‘Stake’ may refer to temporarily locked peercoin, but i think it could easily be interpreted more generally to mean owning peercoin. So i would say being a stakeholder is indeed required to use the blockchain for anything other than simple verification.

I like “User-Governed Sustainable Blockchain”…maybe we can go one step further and make it more inclusive and say:

Peercoin, The First Community-Governed Sustainable Blockchain ?

I don’t think we should put any additional words in the title of the website, such as “for everyone” or “since 2012”. Maybe we can mark the words with asterisks and in the footnote briefly say why it’s sustainable or user-governed or First (if the first page of the site is actually one-pager).

Also if I have to pick between “Fair” and “Democratic” I would more likely go with democratic.

I take it nobody else has a problem with using first? Please speak up if you do.

I would have to agree. We don’t want to make it too long and unwieldy with too much information.

I talked to Peerchemist about user-governed and community-governed. He doesn’t want to use this wording unless it’s completely accurate. So I thought about substituting user and community for something more accurate like stakeholder, however this seemed a little long sounding, so I just shortened it to stake…

The First Stake-Governed Sustainable Blockchain

I honestly think this is the best version I’ve come up with, even better than user-governed. It is accurate as people use their stake to govern the network through minting. It’s also very important in the fact that the word stake is used. People have heard of proof of stake by now and know what it is. Coupled with sustainability, adding stake directly into the slogan will make it obvious to people that the network runs on PoS. Plus it also covers the governance aspect by saying that you govern the network with your stake.

Thoughts? I would like to wrap this up as soon as possible because we need to start moving forward with something. In case it would be helpful to know where this will be used, check this post. There will be a paragraph of text at the top of the website that gives a short overview of what the network is. This slogan will be used as the title to that overview. It’s possible it might also appear in some places alongside the logo like in the Reddit banner for example.

We’ll also be having an upcoming meeting this weekend where I’ll be proposing it to the Peercoin Team.