Mining on testnet - insufficient funds error


First post, so … hello to everyone. I am working on a coin payment project for fun. I have LTC, BTC and I am using testnet successfully with my mined coins.

However it seems like I cannot spend my coins mined on the XPM test net.

This should give me the balance that has 2000 confirmations (right??)
crypto01:~$ primecoind getbalance “” 2000

crypto01:~$ primecoind sendtoaddress mmCZ64awRV9q49SheJB5tFHtvrDpbwhP9W 1
error: {“code”:-4,“message”:“Insufficient funds”}

Here is my daemon info

crypto01:~$ primecoind getinfo
“version” : “v0.1.2xpm-9-gede552b-beta”,
“protocolversion” : 70001,
“walletversion” : 60000,
“balance” : 0.00000000,
“blocks” : 136729,
“moneysupply” : 3519533.93000000,
“timeoffset” : -123,
“connections” : 3,
“proxy” : “”,
“testnet” : true,
“keypoololdest” : 1379370489,
“keypoolsize” : 101,
“paytxfee” : 0.00000000,
“errors” : “”

Now this is something that is interesting
The first transaction in my transaction database is 2 days old (dumping transactions with walletnotify into mysql)

Notice, that there are 2422 confirmations, and it still shows “immature”
This might be my actual problem. How do I get around this?

primecoind gettransaction bc301540ec116458abaf6373a8b0d73c8d3dce35ae136daba870b2cf7562a3c3
“amount” : 0.00000000,
“confirmations” : 2422,
“generated” : true,
“blockhash” : “6c3018cd10b097b9f772accab7302172d70bde889d7849471c506f3ca40513e7”,
“blockindex” : 0,
“blocktime” : 1379378603,
“txid” : “bc301540ec116458abaf6373a8b0d73c8d3dce35ae136daba870b2cf7562a3c3”,
“time” : 1379378603,
“timereceived” : 1379378603,
“details” : [
“account” : “”,
“address” : “mfpWw8Y8CoMsfMaovhwjyy79aG43vf4hwE”,
“category” : “immature”,
“amount” : 25.00000000

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

I think the required number of confirmations is 3000 (at least this is the only number I’ve seen mentioned), so just be patient.

Thanks … we will see, I am at 2960 …

Does that command line suggest that I am the patient kind?

seq 2500 3000 | while read a ; do echo $a ; primecoind getbalance “” $a ; done

Thanks again

It is not 3000 … I have 24 XPM that has 3000 confirms, balance still shows 0 unfortunately.

I guess I wait a little more … either way since it is all RPC I guess whatever I get to work with other coins will automagically work on XPM when somehow this gets resolved… worst case I will get a few real coins and test with those :open_mouth:

Thanks …

Maturity is 3200 blocks. If you need some testnet coins fast you can just ask here.

Thanks a lot.

As I reached over 3200 coins started to appear.

Just verified. I have the test coins I needed now.

Cheers and Thanks