[MF] peercoin.net and Peerunity translators

The translation has already been put to getlocalizatiion. Mandarin and Norweigian translations have entered validation stage. I think you migh have missed them. All needed to be done for them is someone other than the translators to validate the existing translation.

How's Bitcoin tackling translations?

It’s in the github. I can find it later. Traveling now.

edit: for the record, the discussions were #54 and here in peercointalk thread

Thanks for the proposal, GLock.

A question I have is whether the planned changes for Peerunity v0.2 are already available for translation. If not, do you think it would be better to wait until it is released? The release is apparently soon and may have several changes such as a minting tab.

Apart from that, are you happy with starting the voting soon or would you prefer to wait longer for discussion?

If Peerunity v0.2 is not too distant from release, then we can include in the proposal that the Peerunity translation refers to the v0.2 so we can start, at least with the peercoin.net translations

Apart from that, are you happy with starting the voting soon or would you prefer to wait longer for discussion?
Before going for a vote the only part that I would like to clarify with the community for another couple of days is the criteria to validate the translations: [i] do you guys think is the best idea to validate the translations with the help of external fora with native speakers? if not, what are the possible solutions?[/i]

As a note, what we try to achieve here is to validate the translations with minimum impact on the budget and in an expeditious way for both the translator and the verifier.

I realized now that the staus bars of the languages on the bottom of the getlocalization page are for the validation level only and not for the translation completness. Thanks for pointing it out.

It's in the github. I can find it later. Traveling now. edit: for the record, the discussions were [url=https://github.com/Peerunity/Peerunity/pull/54]#54[/url] and [url=http://www.peercointalk.org/index.php?topic=2653.msg24844#msg24844]here in peercointalk thread[/url]
Thanks for the references, from my understanding it means that we have to switch to transifex as a front end to use the Bitcoin system.

I really prefer the transifex interface, and using one front end for both peercoin.net and Peerunity could help to standardize and to have the same person or group of people working on one language for both Peerunity and the website without the hassle of logging/sign up and learn a new front end interface.

But from the coding point of you, is it ok for the Peerunity developers to utilize the Bitcoin way as detailed here?

Right. For a while I though transifex was the way peerunity was moving to. But later it was announced getlocalization was selected

I really prefer the transifex interface, and using one front end for both peercoin.net and Peerunity could help to standardize and to have the same person or group of people working on one language for both Peerunity and the website without the hassle of logging/sign up and learn a new front end interface.

I think all three – qt-linguist, transifex, and getlocalization – are pretty good. Getlocalization seems new, with some rough edges.

But from the coding point of you, is it ok for the Peerunity developers to utilize the Bitcoin way as detailed [url=https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/master/doc/translation_process.md] here[/url]?

I don’t know why getlocalization was selected. I think there must be good reasons for it. Bitcoin’s set-up needed some script level development. But after that the cost of keeping the old version of bitcoin updated and new versions translated is fairly low (one person mechanically moves some community-updated translation files over, once in a week or several weeks). I remember that peercoin’s getlocalization setup is also automated. If that is the case this method in itself is just as good as bitcoin’s.

The drawback with getlocalization may be what I said above – if for example peerunity is going to get one of bitcoin-core’s new feature, it can just get the code from bitcoin github. What about translations? Will every translator (remember there are many tens of them, many not being techie types) of peerunity have to diligently look up bitcoin translation for this new feature, and add them to peerunity via getlocalization, for every new update of every version in bitcoin-core? Or even worse, will they not borther with keeping in sync with bitcoin but come up with his/her own translation, inevitably causing peercoin wallet and bitcoin wallet to have different translations for the same text? I think a different translation set up than bitcoin’s will cause the latter situation.

I am concerned about this happening too, but my bigger concern is that we could get stuck in the translation process because we won’t be able to find many native techie speakers, not at the moment at least…

So we have to find a balance between risking to get some of the translations different from the bitcoin-core client and ease of use for the translator.
I believe the same problem would apply to the website translation as some of the nomenclature would be inevitably different.

I am concerned about this happening too, but my bigger concern is that we could get stuck in the translation process because we won’t be able to find many native techie speakers, not at the moment at least…

So we have to find a balance between risking to get some of the translations different from the bitcoin-core client and ease of use for the translator.
I believe the same problem would apply to the website translation as some of the nomenclature would be inevitably different.[/quote]

Do you feel getlocalization to be easier to use than transifex? From my limited experience with both I think they are on similar easiness level for non-technical users.

Good to see the discussion here. We have to find a way to go forward though.

Just saw these pull requests regarding clarification of translation process for peerunity: https://github.com/Peerunity/Peerunity/pull/122

So with that I think we should stick with getlocalization for peerunity given that is supported by the maintainers.
I will dig my translations on transifex officially and start over again when time allows me too.

Unless @super3 or @twh is supporting a move to getlocalisation for peercoin.net, we should stick with transifex for peercoin.net. It won’t hurt to verify that with of them in case they have plans to change it in the short term. Anyone to reach out to them?

Regarding aligning with Bitcoin. I think any reasonable translation is better than none. It can always be updated later. However it is good practise to check for common translations in the crypto world or the Bitcoin client in particular. We should stress that with people signing up for a translation.

@glock, maybe you can update the list with translations removing those which already has been done on getlocalization or better make a table for peerunity and peercoin.net we still want? And maybe update your proposal reflecting the discussions in this thread?

@all Is there anything else we need to discuss before voting may start?

Edit: I think peerunity v.02 is feature ready on github. So maybe we can get all new fields pulled into getlocalisation. Not sure who can do that though.

I’ve sent a pm to both of them I will update here on the reply

Regarding aligning with Bitcoin. I think any reasonable translation is better than none. It can always be updated later. However it is good practise to check for common translations in the crypto world or the Bitcoin client in particular.We should stress that with people signing up for a translation.

@glock, maybe you can update the list with translations removing those which already has been done on getlocalization or better make a table for peerunity and peercoin.net we still want? And maybe update your proposal reflecting the discussions in this thread?

I will expand the proposal with everything we discussed soon.

i know Greeks are not many in this forum, but if you like to have a Greek translation i can provide one :wink:

You are welcome to translate to Greek, at the moment there isn’t a ppc reward for your language, but if you like you can start any time!

Any other language is welcome!

Just to confirm Peercoin.net translations are pulled from Transifex only.

Thanks for clarifying

Proposal post (first post on this thread) has been updated.

We can start voting on the proposal now.

Thank you for your support, I hope we will be able to expand the number of Peercoin users and I really believe that this is the right time to do so considering the innovation that NuBits is bringing to cryptocurrencies and the strong volumes we see on peercoin trading.

[quote=“GLock, post:34, topic:2931”]Proposal post (first post on this thread) has been updated.

We can start voting on the proposal now.[/quote]

Okay, the voting can be opened now. It will be open for 3 days, so the deadline is 5 PM UTC on Friday October 10th.

There must be at least 8 valid votes in total, including at least 5 “Peervotes.”

Anyone with an active account created more than 3 months before the start of voting and with a karma of 5 or more may vote.

You can vote with a “yes” (indicating you are in favor of this proposal receiving funding), or a “no”. All voters are encouraged to add a voluntary explanation why they voted yes or no so future submitters can improve their proposals and assess their chances on success.

Please vote now!

Here is the proposal again:

[quote=“GLock, post:1, topic:2931”]Contact Information
I am GLock on Peercointalk. You can reach me directly by bitmessage BM-2cVD3MkPg4EmdTZDGt8Ji3JiK4JnBG83V1 (preferred) or by PM.

Submission date
Tuesday 30th September 2014

I propose a bounty for translators of peercoin.net website and the software Peerunity.


I believe that to spread the knowledge of Peercoin to non english speaking users around the World it is necessary to translate to as many languages as possible the peercoin.net website and the Peerunity software.

With a bounty on translation we will boost the translations to a variety of languages of the peercoin.net website and we will manage to have finished most of the translations of Peerunity that at the moment are incomplete.

Requirements are as follows:

  • native speaker of the language that you want to translate or fluency in the language
  • the translation has to be as close as possible to the original english language of peercoin.net website / Peerunity software. Minor paragraph restructuring due to the target language constraints is accepted.

The translations must be submitted using the following websites:

Initially the target of this project is to have peercoin.net and Peerunity translated in 10 languages that can be picked from the following:


The assignement will be on first come first serve basis.

The Available languages are as follows:


Level of completness
0% = incomplete
100% = fully translated
Mandarin 0%
Spanish 50%
French 100%
Italian 100%
Hindi 100%
Russian 0%
German 5%
Japanese 0%
Indonesian 100%
Tagalog 0%
Portuguese 0%
Swahili 0%
Arabic 0%


Level of completness
0% = incomplete
100% = fully translated
Mandarin 100%
Spanish 50%
French 100%
Italian 50%
Hindi 0%
Russian 50%
German 50%
Japanese 0%
Indonesian 0%
Tagalog 0%
Portuguese 50%
Swahili 0%
Arabic 0%

Note on Peerunity: Peerunity translations will start as soon as we will have Peerunity v0.2 pulled to getlocalization, applications are already welcome.

For partial translations at the time of start you will be paid pro rata:

e.g.: 50% on peercoin.net = 15 PPC

However, be reminded that you will not be paid at all unless the translation is completed in full by the same applicant submitting the translation request.

Verification Process

The translations will be verified on social fora or other social networks with native speakers selecting 3 random paragraphs once the translation is flagged by the translator as completed.
The outcome and the reference of the validation will be published in this thread.

Target audience

Visitors of peercoin.net website and users that utilize Peerunity.


Budget is as follows:
Full peercoin.net translation in one language = 30 PPC
Full Peerunity transation in one language = 15 PPC

Total Budget for ten (10) languages (10 x 30) + (10 x 15) = 450 PPC 

Progress management, verification and adminsitration = 2 PPC per language fully translated in either peercoin.net or Peerunity
Total Budget for administration = 2 PPC x 20 (10 peercoin.net + 10 Peerunity) = 40 PPC

Maximum Grand Total (as the languages are pro rated) = 490 PPC


From application the translator has three weeks (21 days) to complete and submit the translation work in full on https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/website-ppc/for peercoin.net and http://www.getlocalization.com/Peerunity/ to be eligible for the bounty.


The progress of the translations is available on transifex and getlocalization websites.

Funds management

The funds can be distributed directly from the Marketing Fund once is confirmed that an applicant has completed in full the translation work as per the initial application and within the deadline.

The administration and verification process of the translations will be done by GLock and rendered public on this thread.[/quote]

I vote in favor of this proposal.

I think Peerunity v0.2 will have all existing v0.1 translations (more than 400 entries total i think) in place. So suppose there are 10 new entries from the mint panel, are you going to pay 10/(400+10)*15 PPC for translation the new ones for Mandarin and French which are now 100% translated (v0.1)?

I think Peerunity v0.2 will have all existing v0.1 translations (more than 400 entries total i think) in place. So suppose there are 10 new entries from the mint panel, are you going to pay 10/(400+10)*15 PPC for translation the new ones for Mandarin and French which are now 100% translated (v0.1)?[/quote]
That’s correct, specifically in your example it would be 0.366 PPC; this is an extreme case, but I think that a pro rata reward guarantees the best fairness to the translator and to the fund.

I believe that might be possible to use Google translate in this case by anyone and save 0.366 PPC, however if we want to cover all the minutiae of every possible scenario, it will be difficult to move forward.

I am open to any suggestion here.

I vote yes. :slight_smile: Thanks GLock.

Getlocalization requires translation validation, which should be done by someone who is not the translator, unless we call translator’s self double-check validation. (How ) do you plan to allocate reward between the translator and the validator?