求翻译质数币白皮书中的Main Chain Protocol 部分。

In bitcoin, main chain protocol ensures that block chain consensus can be reached as long
as more than half of the network mining power reaches consensus. Conversely, an
attacker needs more than 50% of total network mining power to control block chain. This
security property depends on the linear difficulty model of hashcash. In primecoin, it is
slightly weakened as the difficulty model is not strictly linear, so an attacker may only
need somewhat less than 50% of total network mining power through manipulation of
difficulty. At integral length boundaries, a constant ratio is introduced to approximate the
ratio of difficulties between prime chains with length difference of 1. The level of block
chain security is dependent on the accuracy of this estimate. As the state of art of prime
mining progresses in primecoin network, this ratio should be adjusted as needed to ensure
better security.