Looking for peercoin.net and Peerunity translators - Payment in PPC! [CLOSED]

Thank you br0nevik!
Please let me know if you choose a different username to translate on Transifex and Getlocalization
At the moment of start Russian language is at 0% in peercoin.net and 50% in Peerunity so once completed and validated you will get 30 PPC for peercoin.net and 7.5 PPC for Peerunity for a total of 37.5 PPC
As a reminder you have 21 days to complete the translation to be eligible for the reward.

Thank you willywithcoinnode!
Please let me know if you choose a different username to translate on Transifex and Getlocalization
At the moment of start German language is at 50% in Peerunity so once completed and validated you will get 50% of the reward; that equals to 7.5 PPC for Peerunity
As a reminder you have 21 days to complete the translation to be eligible for the reward.

Thank you bobbybb!
Please let me know if you choose a different username to translate on Transifex and Getlocalization
At the moment of start German language is at 5% in peercoin.net so once completed and validated you will get 95% of the reward; that equals to 28.5 PPC for peercoin.net
As a reminder you have 21 days to complete the translation to be eligible for the reward.

Update: To better keep track on everyone progress please reply to this post once you complete a translation. Thank you.

I would like to take Tagalog for peercoin - if thats works then i will take for the second.

Thank you kingscrown!
Please let me know if you choose a different username to translate on Transifex.
At the moment of start Tagalog language is at 0% in peercoin.net so once completed and validated you will get 100% of the reward; that equals to 30 PPC for peercoin.net
As a reminder you have 21 days to complete the translation to be eligible for the reward.

I GLock will translate to Indonesian in Peerunity. My getlocalization username is GLock.
At the moment of start Indonesian language is at 0% in Peerunity so once completed and validated I will get 100% of the reward; that equals to 15 PPC for Peerunity.
I have 21 days to complete the translation to be eligible for the reward.

I GLock will translate to Italian in Peerunity. My getlocalization username is GLock.
At the moment of start Italian language is at 50% in Peerunity so once completed and validated I will get 50% of the reward; that equals to 7.5 PPC for Peerunity.
I have 21 days to complete the translation to be eligible for the reward.

I shared this on Twitter and Facebook.

Thank you Sentinel

Indonesian and Italian is missing 3 translated strings after last update of the website.

Would like to translate in Dutch if so desired

Updated, thanks for the heads-up.

Hi Oblivion77 currently there is no bounty for Dutch translation but we would still like to have the translation; If you are willing to translate without payment you can go ahead and register on Transifex and/or Getlocalization!

Thank you for posting whatever you decide to do :slight_smile:

Hey oblivion77, I’m already working on Dutch Peerunity translation as a native speaker. As it is nearly finished (80%) there is still value in a second pair of eyes though. So feel free to submit updates or improvements.

I think the Dutch peercoin.net translation is still a green field, so feel free to go with it but don’t expect a bounty as @glock already said. I’m happy to review it but I don’t have the time to do the translation itself.

Should I also translate the key terms or should I keep them in english?
Do you want to define them by yourself?
My translations:
mining (SchĂŒrfen)
minting (PrÀgen)
proof of stake (Besitzschaftsprinzip)
proof of work ()
wallet (Brieftasche)
cold wallet (kalte Brieftasche)
hot wallet (heiße Brieftasche)
Checkpointing (Kontrollpunkte)
cold wallet (PrÀgen mit kalter Brieftasche)

I don’t see peerunity 0.1.1 strings (e.g. of the mint panel) .
When a new version is released how is getlocalization database updated?
Will the current translation be overwritten when a new version is added in ? There are new translations made after the 0.1.1 is released. Will these changes be lost?
For example
version 0.1 has string A, B, and C, and are translated on getlocalization.
Version 0.1.1 is released. It has a snap shot of v0.1 translation of A, B, and C. It has updated string C (in English) for business reason, and added new a function that has string D (in English).
Before 0.1.1 is put on getlocalization, translation of B is updated on getlocalization. (The situation we have now)

Do we know how will the project Peerunity on getlocalization updated so that A remains, B’s update will remain, C, D (in English) will be added?

[quote=“mhps, post:37, topic:2968”]I don’t see peerunity 0.1.1 strings (e.g. of the mint panel) .
When a new version is released how is getlocalization database updated?
Will the current translation be overwritten when a new version is added in ? There are new translations made after the 0.1.1 is released. Will these changes be lost?
For example
version 0.1 has string A, B, and C, and are translated on getlocalization.
Version 0.1.1 is released. It has a snap shot of v0.1 translation of A, B, and C. It has updated string C (in English) for business reason, and added new a function that has string D (in English).
Before 0.1.1 is put on getlocalization, translation of B is updated on getlocalization. (The situation we have now)

Do we know how will the project Peerunity on getlocalization updated so that A remains, B’s update will remain, C, D (in English) will be added?[/quote]

Hi mhps, Ben has mentioned that is a kind of a “rolling” process, here is his quote on the Peerunity 0.1.1 post

For the other questions maybe anyone that had experience using getlocalization for other projects can shed some light?

[quote=“bobbybb, post:36, topic:2968”]Should I also translate the key terms or should I keep them in english?
Do you want to define them by yourself?
My translations:
mining (SchĂŒrfen)
minting (PrÀgen)
proof of stake (Besitzschaftsprinzip)
proof of work ()
wallet (Brieftasche)
cold wallet (kalte Brieftasche)
hot wallet (heiße Brieftasche)
Checkpointing (Kontrollpunkte)
cold wallet (PrÀgen mit kalter Brieftasche)[/quote]

bobbybb, for your reference and a more consistent translation, please stick to what you can see in the german version of the bitcoin wallet, and the terms used in the german version of their website and wikipedia

Have a look here


If you have any doubts I guess that willywithcoinnode that has translated Peerunity to german can give you some guidance to keep consistency across the platforms.

[quote=“mhps, post:37, topic:2968”]I don’t see peerunity 0.1.1 strings (e.g. of the mint panel) .
When a new version is released how is getlocalization database updated?
Will the current translation be overwritten when a new version is added in ? There are new translations made after the 0.1.1 is released. Will these changes be lost?
For example
version 0.1 has string A, B, and C, and are translated on getlocalization.
Version 0.1.1 is released. It has a snap shot of v0.1 translation of A, B, and C. It has updated string C (in English) for business reason, and added new a function that has string D (in English).
Before 0.1.1 is put on getlocalization, translation of B is updated on getlocalization. (The situation we have now)

Do we know how will the project Peerunity on getlocalization updated so that A remains, B’s update will remain, C, D (in English) will be added?[/quote]

In order not to lose any translated string, the update process could be:
1 - Pull the translated strings from getlocalization in the locale files of peerunity
2 - Add the new strings of the source code in the locale files using the lupdate tool
3 - Push the updated locale files to getlocalization

I don’t know how pulling/pushing files works on getlocalization, but maybe this update process could be done automatically (or semi-automatically)